Thursday, December 27, 2018

Hey! Wasn’t that you?!

Whenever a new year approaches, people inevitably think about the challenges of the year that is ending and declare that the next year will be different. The world likes to call it making resolutions but church folk usually say things like “this year won’t be like last year” or “I’m not looking back, only forward!” But the Lord asked me this morning about impact. With all the things you won’t do anymore or won’t tolerate, or won’t participate in, sometimes you can forget to reconcile what you already did. It’s easy to see what has happened to you, right? But what impact have you made? What will others remember about you in 2018?

1 Peter 2:11&12 are interesting verses and the ones that the Lord highlighted for me this morning. I read them in 4 or 5 translations, all of which preached a word to me. But I was led to share the Message translation. It says, “Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives.” 

You see, it is so important that you don’t get so caught up in operating and living like the world that the unsaved can’t see a difference. What would the people at the grocery store say about you in 2018? What about at work or in the neighborhood? Would they celebrate your God based on how you treated people, reacted to crisis, or made decisions? What impact have you made? It’s time to stop being so casual about your witness and really be like Christ. I recently saw an answer on a survey about the church that broke my heart. In response to the question of why they don’t attend church, they said “because church people don’t act like Christians outside of the church.” Sure, that’s not everyone but someone made such an impression with their behavior or attitude that the person was uninterested in church. What if it was you?

As you go through these last few days of 2018, ask yourself if you are living in such a way that God would be celebrated by the unsaved. Be honest! Is it time to merge your Monday – Saturday life with your Sunday life? Lord, help if Jesus returns on a Thursday! So while you are guarding your heart and your words this year, also guard your witness! Be mindful of what you say, how you respond and where you go.  Be the one that brings folks to Christ instead of running them away. Consider your impact in 2019!


Thursday, December 20, 2018

And the fight goes to...

Hey family!  I just want to encourage you today as 2019 draws closer. Jesus has never lost a battle! That is what I keep hearing on repeat in my spirit. Sometimes when the load gets very heavy, and the war gets long, it can be hard to pay attention to the wins. You get weary, and your focus waivers and you struggle to see the why or the how. But the Lord just wanted me to remind you that He is your strong tower and your great defender. He is capable and willing to fight for you! He is Jehovah Sabaoth – the God who wages war on your behalf and causes wars to cease! He is fighting for you, and He has never lost.

Do you remember the story of Jehoshaphat and the fight against the Moabites and the Ammonites in 2 Chronicles 20? Three nations came together to go against the people of Judah, and it terrified them. Jehoshaphat called a fast and called on the Lord. He gave an impassioned plea, crying out for help. He ended his prayer with, “O our God, won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.” (2 Chr. 20: 12, NLT)

The Lord responded, “Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.  Tomorrow, march out against them. You will find them coming up through the ascent of Ziz at the end of the valley that opens into the wilderness of Jeruel.  But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” (2 Chr. 20: 15-17, NLT)

So, this is often the part that people highlight. I mean, why wouldn’t you? The Lord has assured the people that He is with them and they do not need to fight. Cue the organ music and start the run! Well today, I need you to look ahead to what happens after the Lord has spoken. This is what I want you to hold onto as you prepare for the new thing that the Lord is calling you to in 2019.

“As they sang and praised, the Eternal was ready to cause great confusion in battle for the men from Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir (in Edom) who had come to attack Judah. They were utterly defeated, turning on one another.  The Ammonites and Moabites attacked the men from Mount Seir, destroying them completely. Then, the Ammonites and Moabites turned on each other. When all was quiet, Judah looked out of the watchtower in the wilderness and saw a great army of corpses fallen on the battlefield. No one had escaped.” (2 Chr. 20:22-24, VOICE)

Hear me, saints! The battle plan is in place, and it is going to work. The Lord is the master strategist, and He never loses a battle. Do not be confused by the fact that sometimes things don’t work the way YOU think they should. I’m sorry to tell you this, but your plan is not the one on the table. The Lord can make your enemies work together to bless you or confuse them so much that they take themselves out of the picture. He is fighting for you! Do you see that last line? No one escaped! Not one imp or demon, not one man or weapon was able to infiltrate God’s plan. It will work!  You just have to stand on the word of the Lord. You have to trust that His victory is assured. You have to worship and praise. Do NOT be afraid or discouraged! He has everything under control! Therefore, right now I speak strength into your weakness and power into your body. I call out the spirit of weariness and frustration and declare peace into your spirit. You will walk into your future with shoulders back and a raised head. You will live out your destiny with purpose and confidence. And most importantly, you will see the victory and hope that was spoken over your life before you were even born! You win!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Packing 101

Happy Thursday, Rhema friends! Time is winding down in this year and it is a time of great reflection. It is a time to identify what you do not want to take with you into the coming year. In fact, I challenged you last week to be intentional and focused on that very thing. Well, today, I want to do the opposite. I want you to consider what you do want to take into the new year and be just as intentional on doing it. You see, it can be just as challenging to accept the new, as it is to let go of the old. You have to have a renewed mind that speaks the forward thinking of Christ. It has to have an “old has passed away; behold the new has come” type of mentality to be successful at this challenge. I believe you can do it! What about you?

Let’s get started! One of the things I know about the Lord is that He is a planner. He is not scrambling at the last minute to put equipment or resources where it is needed. Nope, He has placed exactly what is necessary for every situation in you, ready to be used. You just have to tap into it. You have to call it out. Think about it! Have you been called on at work or church to do something at the last minute and you think you will pass out and not be able to accomplish the task?  However, when you get up, the words flow and all goes well. Why do you think that is? It’s because it is already in you. The Bible says in Psalm 139:16, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (NLT). He is already prepared for every moment that you will face, you just have to trust Him enough to walk in what He put in you.

So what is my point? Take into next year the authority to call your gifts into action when you need them. Take the spiritual boldness to make your election sure and walk powerfully in your calling. Take with you the memory that God knew who you would be before you were born and put you together perfectly for what He has called you to do. Come on, saints of God! This is a call to action for 2019. This is a challenge to step out of the weariness of 2018 and into the refreshing of a new year. Take a renewed energy and a fresh forgiveness towards those that you struggled with this year. I have seen too many people dying suddenly for me to worry with old grudges and past hurts. Therefore, here’s my public announcement to any and all that need to see it! If you are still mad at me in 2019, you’re on your own! If you are still offended by something that I don’t know about, might as well throw it up! If you need to get something off your chest, please schedule it before 11:59pm on December 31st because old things are not on my list to take with me. I am jumping off the rollercoaster ride and stepping peacefully onto firm ground. God has big things for you and me next year. Do not miss it with pettiness!

Alright, everyone got it? Take with you what is edifying to your spirit and cleansing to your soul. Take joy, peace, and freedom. Take boldness, power, and authority. I am getting excited now! Why? Because I am picturing a whole army of soldiers that are empowered to take the world back for the Kingdom. I see pastors, apostles, evangelists, prophets, and teachers taking their rightful places with boldness. I feel the upward call of God in Christ Jesus covering what lies behind and pushing you forward to what lies ahead. Yessssss! Its time! Come on, 2019, I’ve got something for you!


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Hey, 2018! Got something for ya...

Happy Thursday, family! There are 25 days left in 2018 and I want to offer a reminder to you. It is probably something that you think about at the end of every year but somehow do not always manage to accomplish. This year I want to encourage you to do it. What is it that I am asking you to do? Before the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2019, intentionally and consciously leave what hurt you, offended you, and hindered you in 2018. Everything that this year challenged you with can go in the books with 2018, if you will let it. Now, this might be difficult for you because it means that you can’t dwell on the people and things that did you wrong. You cannot replay the conversations and try to interpret what was said and the motives behind it. You can’t even take your right to be right and use it to downplay your role or lack of response. You see, today the Lord is calling you to do what He did. Put all of the mess on the cross and leave it.

“Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because He never lost sight of where He was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—He could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now He’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.” (Hebrews 12:2 MSG)

Will you do me a favor and read that verse again? I want you to pull something from it as you make this journey over the next 3 weeks. First, Jesus finished the race so you can safely follow His lead without wondering if this will work. Some of you struggle with following your leader because something in you reminds you that they are human. Therefore, we can alleviate that concern and go forward to what I want you to see. Jesus never lost sight of where He was headed so everything that happened to him paled in comparison to His destination. It is time for you to look ahead to your destination and stop living in your past. The hurt, the shame, the heartache, the offense, or anything else you have endured, cannot stand up to what God has In store for you UNLESS YOU LET IT. Look at the verse! Because He endured and kept moving towards glory, He is THERE now. Did He get weary? Yes! Did He get frustrated? Yes! Did He question God? Yes! However, at the end of the day, He moved through all that was done to him and came out on the other side.

Saints, will you do a self-examination of your heart and see what is taking up space in there that does not belong? Will you put your eyes on the best example and place all of those things at the cross so that you can move into your 2019 without the weights of 2018. I mean it! Leave 2018 with all its mess and the mess of any other year. Leave it! Why? Because you have a THERE to get to and you need to have room for what the Lord has waiting for you. Come on! You have some stuff to drop off at 2018’s door. Let’s go!


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Who's in your ear?

Hello all! I have been trying for a while now to put into words what the Lord just told me. Wait, I take that back. I have been trying to do this deep explanation so that it would make sense to you instead of just saying it. Clearly, He just wants me to spit it out so I will!

 God is speaking to you and you need to make sure you understand what He is saying. It is time out for interpretation by way of gossip, Facebook, and Google. Rather it is time to get in the position to hear HIM and stay there until you know what God is saying to you. So many of you are missing God because your flesh is speaking louder than He is. Well, actually, it’s just that you have the volume set louder on your flesh. Listen, God is speaking to your future. He is calling you out of old patterns and cycles, and calling you into a new thing. Do not miss it because it is uncomfortable. Do not miss it because it doesn’t go along with your carefully constructed plan. Sometimes, you can feel like God took you on this major side journey, when in fact, it has always been His plan to allow you to experience some challenges so that the responsibility He is preparing you for does not break you. I have been there! I had to experience the pain of bondage, rejection, pain and struggle so that I could pull someone else out of it. But here’s the thing. I had to be willing to go through it. I had to LISTEN to what God was saying and not what my flesh or emotions were saying.
Isaiah 50:4-7 slapped me awake today.  

The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue,
    to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning,
    wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.  The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears;
    I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away.  I offered my back to those who beat me,
    my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face
    from mocking and spitting.  Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,
    I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint,
    and I know I will not be put to shame.

Okay, you might have to read that again! Pay attention to what Isaiah is saying. The Sovereign Lord – the one who controls everything and knows everything is about the business of equipping His people for what He instructs them to do. If you are not hearing God the way you need to be, go back and ask Him to “waken your ears to listen like one being instructed”. Ask Him to speak to your spirit so that you will obey without rebellion and fear. Ask Him to remind you that He is with you no matter who comes against you. Isaiah said that he obeyed God through suffering and mockery because He knew that because the Lord was with Him, He would not be disgraced or put to shame. Can you say the same? Is your face set like flint because you know that God will do what He said?

Listen, friend, don’t you dare make another move out of fear or emotion! Don’t you go one more day without listening to what God is saying to you about your future. And PLEASE, don’t let someone else’s fear or perceptions make you do something that God did not speak to you! If you have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Lord is saying, you will get through every challenge on your way to destiny.  You will grow through the hard place and advance through your obedience. You have what you need! John 10:27 says, “My sheep respond as they hear My voice; I know them intimately, and they follow Me.” (VOICE) Come on, saints! It’s time to stop being led by your flesh and listen to the right voice.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

More than you thought!

Happy Thanksgiving, family! I pray that this day is a blessed time for you and yours. I wanted to be able to share a whole entry centered around giving thanks and being blessed but it just isn’t what I got. Sigh…why me, Lord? So instead of all that thanksgiving joy, I woke up with the phrase “stranger in the land” floating around in my spirit. What does that mean?! So I went on a search and found quite a few scriptures that mentioned a similar phrase but the Lord highlighted a passage that seemingly had nothing to do with anything. As I kept reading, I began to understand why. Normally, I don’t do this but I am going to put the whole scripture here for you.

“As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water. Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples were absolutely terrified. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!”” (Mark‬ ‭4:35-41‬ ‭NLT)‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

You might have to read this again because I want you to get this. Put yourself in the place of the disciples so that you don’t make the same mistake. This scene take place after many parables and much teaching.  Jesus decides that it is time to go to the other side. There is no discussion or questions, He makes the call and they go. On the way, He goes to sleep on the way hoping that what He had taught the disciples was enough to sustain them until they got to the next place. We see that the disciples were unsuccessful because they looked at the storm and forgot what they had with them and they fell apart.

Many of you are going through seasons of transition and you may be struggling through it.  Trust me! I get it because I’ve been there. It can be scary and unsettling when you know you are going somewhere but are unsure of whether you have what it takes to get there. Here’s the thing though. You are not by yourself on the journey. Not only is Christ with you, everything that He has poured into you is with you too. I believe Jesus got so frustrated with the disciples because not only had they gotten the teaching He gave to the crowds plus additional explanation, they had access to Him. He was constantly teaching them.  But instead of standing on what they knew, they jumped to fear. They reverted to how they used to handle things instead of remembering the power that was with them. They forgot that whatever came against them could be handled with a word.

Listen, everything around you may look different. Your next might feel like your last and your now might feel like never but today I am calling on you to step out of your emotions and trust in the facts. You see, the Lord showed me that the idea of being a stranger in the land wasn’t about being lost or scared but rather of being different from where you started. What you are stepping into has already been prepared for you. The land is the other side. Even if you are unfamiliar with what is waiting for you, the process of getting you there has been intentional and strategic. You have been poured into, taught, and equipped for where you are going. Never let what comes up on the journey take you outside of what you know to be true. Everything must bow to the Christ who is with you. So go forth to the other side. You have the Man who controls the winds & the waves with you!


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Still the same!

Transition is a funny thing. Its ultimate goal is to take you to a new place but it often feels like the hardest journey you have ever taken. Whether you are leaving a home or changing positions, the temptation to stay is always so strong, even when you know you are doing the right thing. There has been a lot of transition and shifting in my life over the last 2-3 years. I have been called out of just about every comfortable and familiar place that you could imagine. It has been challenging and I have cried many tears but I am still here. In fact, I am still here and much stronger. I realized why this morning after hearing Shana Wilson Williams sing this one line in my head over and over again. “You stay the same.” It was on constant repeat. Finally, the Lord asked me if I had gotten it yet. I realized that I had. No matter what is going on in my life, He doesn’t change. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. I know, I know! That’s one of the churchiest phrases there is. But guess what? It is the Word and it is a promise!

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” It is snuggled in between a verse about remembering your spiritual leaders, and not being taken in by new ideas because your strength comes from God’s grace. I don’t think I have ever paid much attention to what was around that verse before. I just liked the idea that Jesus was consistent so I focused on that. However, today it made sense to me why that verse would be smack dab in the middle of a chapter that gives advice about everything from hospitality and marriage to how to serve and be in relationship. It is because your stability is in Christ. It is the best kind of visual for an English major like me! It’s all about being able to identify the most important theme or lesson in the midst of many important ideas. Listen! No matter what you are being challenged with, facing, or trying to overcome, the Lord does not change. Whether your entire life flips 180 degrees tomorrow, Jesus will still be loving you the exact same way – fully and completely.

It is so important that when you are going through some sort of transition, you dig down deeper into your relationship with Christ. You have to in order to survive. Which explains why the old saints sang “on Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground Is sinking sand” with such conviction. Everything can shift but Christ will be a constant support. People of God, transition is not so scary when you realize that the important things are still the same. My prayer for you today is that you allow the consistency of Christ to carry you through the ups and downs of change. I pray that you seek Him more and more and believe Him when He responds. I am going to leave you with verse 3 of the great hymn by Edward Mote, The Solid Rock.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

He stays the same even when nothing else does.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Take it back!

There comes a place in your life where you know who you are in God. For some it takes many years and lived experiences to get there. For others, it comes earlier in life, even if it requires several confirmations and reminders. What I have discovered is that who God sees in you doesn’t change, it is your awareness of it or even willingness to accept it that really changes. When I think back over my life, I heard God and people call out the things that I am walking out now but I was unwilling to accept them as possible. People said I would be a writer but I could not see myself writing a book or so I ignored it. People said I would impact women but I could not see myself pouring into women so I downplayed it. Do you see a theme developing? Who God created me to be was always there but I was unprepared or unwilling to accept it. My encouragement to you today is to take back what is yours!

The enemy’s primary goal is to destroy God’s people. One of the best ways to do that is to convince the person that they are unable to achieve their purpose. Think about that sneaky little whisper that Satan uses. It speaks the opposite of what God has said about you. You aren’t worthy. You aren’t smart enough. You can’t do that. You don’t have the resources. You are a failure.  Blah blah blah… The interesting thing about those words is that, in most cases, if a person came up to you and said those things you would get angry, indignant, and go off. However, when the enemy says it, it somehow gains all of this power and traction in your mind. Well today, it is time to tell HELL no! It is time to take back what is yours!

What are you saying, Ebony? Well, I’m reminded of what the Lord said to Jeremiah when He called Him to be a prophet. “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5 NLT) What would happen if you decided to come into agreement with what God set you apart for in the womb? Let that sink in. Okay…Then He said, “And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you.” (Jer. 1: 8 NLT) Do you think God just meant that for Jeremiah? Nope. He is Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, our Protector. What would happen if you decided to stop letting people define you with titles and opinions and began to walk out who God called you to be?

Sooooo…what do I mean when I say take back what is yours? I mean take back your name from whoever has tried to make it stand for something other than what God intended. I mean take back your identity from whoever or whatever has tried to distort or confuse it from what God ordained. I mean take back your confidence from your past mistakes and circumstances. You do not owe your past anything! I mean take back your peace from whatever or whoever has tried to run away with it. I mean take back your joy from depression and grief. Those spirits do not have a legal right to your mind unless you allow it. Come on, saints of God! What God said about you has not changed so if you have thought or been told differently, shut it down and take back what is yours!


Thursday, November 1, 2018

You can keep that, Judas!

I thought about an emotion this morning that I don’t often think or write about – regret. Well let me clarify! I have regretted things before…missing an opportunity, not attending an event, losing contact with an old friend. But today the Lord talked to me about regret in relation to obedience. Obedience is so serious to God but sometimes you have thought about an instruction for so long that your voice sounds like God. All of a sudden, you are operating under a false obedience and end up in a mess. Today, I want to encourage you to not let the wrong voice leave you with regret.

“When Judas, who had betrayed him, realized that Jesus had been condemned to die, he was filled with remorse. So he took the thirty pieces of silver back to the leading priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he declared, “for I have betrayed an innocent man.” “What do we care?” they retorted. “That’s your problem.””(Matthew‬ ‭27:3-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬)‬‬‬‬

Judas, Lord?! Really? The more I thought about it though, the more it made sense. You see, Judas had a real opportunity to grow in Christ and be a leader in the most powerful growing movement in the world. He got the teaching, the presence, and the experience but he missed his next level because he let Satan turn the volume up on his voice. Think about it! The Bible says that he was filled with remorse when he realized that his choices had real consequences. When he did, he tried to correct it but it was too late.

As the Lord really talked to me about Judas, I realized that his story is so important because he died with that regret. He died wishing he could have done something different. I believe what he had missed out on, by choosing the wrong path, spoke loudly in his mind and he couldn’t handle it. The Lord said something powerful to me this morning.  He said regret hurts worse than shift, discomfort or growth. Why? Because regret has no resolution. You can get another opportunity but it won’t ever be that same one. Judas realized that he obeyed the wrong voice and he couldn’t take it back.

Saints, make sure that you are obeying the right voice. Make sure your flesh is not attempting to sabotage your next level. Make sure your emotions are not guiding your decisions. I believe Judas is the wake up call for today. What he could have been is forever replaced by what he decided to do.   You have the opportunity to let obedience lead you to your next. Be sure you have Jesus obedience and not Judas regret.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Take it up with God!

I’ve decided that obedience is the only course of action at this point in my life. There are just too many variables and possibilities when you choose any other way. I recognize that making this statement means that I will upset family, throw off church folks and disrupt plans but that’s not on me. Why? Because if God said it, He will cover it. I can’t miss God so that someone else will be comfortable or allowed to stay in control. Sorry...not sorry! Folks, you would be best served by following my lead or better yet, just follow the Bible.

When the Lord told Saul to destroy the Amalekites and everything that belonged to them in 1 Samuel 15, He was specific and clear. There was no hidden meaning or secret code.   “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has declared: I have decided to settle accounts with the nation of Amalek for opposing Israel when they came from Egypt. Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys.”” (1 Samuel 15:2-3 NLT) He told Saul why, what and when, which I will admit is more than you or I often get. My point is that the Lord was clear! Saul, however, l did what some of us are guilty of doing. He made the instruction work for him. He adjusted his response so that he profited and then justified that decision by glorifying partial obedience. “He captured Agag, the Amalekite king, but completely destroyed everyone else. Saul and his men spared Agag’s life and kept the best of the sheep and goats, the cattle, the fat calves, and the lambs—everything, in fact, that appealed to them. They destroyed only what was worthless or of poor quality.”(1 Samuel 15:8-9 NLT) Here is the problem. God did not ask Saul to do some of what He said. He said NOW GO...COMPLETELY DESTROY. Saul did not do that and found himself face to face with something no one wants...God’s rejection. Listen, folks, I love y’all but I’m not messing up God’s trust in me so you will be okay with my choices. Not doing it...

Saul missed God, not only in action, but in thought. He assumed that God would be okay with him adjusting His instruction because a sacrifice would be made. But the sacrifice was unnecessary because it was not asked for. It’s just like when you think you are alright with doing some of what God said just because you gave up a lot of time doing what He didn’t tell you to do. Nope! Stop playing mind games with the God whose thoughts are higher than yours! Just do what He says!

Look at what the Lord says and Samuel’s response. ““I am sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my command.” Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the Lord all night.” (1 Samuel 15:11 NLT) God considers your obedience as loyalty to Him. Does that put things in perspective? Does that help you understand why your friend had to leave your church or why your co-worker had to move across the country or better yet why you had to start that business? It is because loyalty and obedience to God is better than comfort and pleasing others. Fam, it’s time to stop talking yourself out of hard stuff and making adjustments to God’s instructions because you don’t know how it will turn out.

I have decided that I will obey even if it means something doesn’t work out the way I want it to. Why? Because the not working out is part of God’s plan and purpose for my life. There is a lesson and a maturing that I need for the next level of my life. When Samuel asked Saul why he didn’t do what God said, he proudly justified his choice. Samuel’s response is exactly why you do not need to make the same mistake. “But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols. So because you have rejected the command of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.”” (1 Samuel 15:22-23 NLT)

Your job is to obey and anyone that has a problem with it needs to take it up with God.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Get out of your feelings!

If you have lived any length of time, you realize pretty early on that God’s plan and your plan doesn’t always line up. You can have this amazingly detailed vision of what your life will or should look like with a clear timeline, bullet points and highlighting; only to reach your first goal and run into a massive roadblock. It’s frustrating, disappointing and life-changing all at the same time. What do you do? Well, if you’re being honest, most of you would admit, like I did, that you get in your feelings. You start letting your emotions speak for you and your decision-making reflects what your heart and flesh want and not what God is saying. As I was preparing to chat with the ladies that I mentor last night, the Lord told me that it is all about perspective. How you choose to look at your life and what God is doing in and through it can determine how quickly you get to your destiny.

““My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah‬ ‭55:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

Isaiah 55:8-9 is a common scripture that church folk often use to help them feel better about things they don’t understand. But I realized last night that it is more than that. It’s not just permission to not understand because God is so much smarter than us. No, it’s an invitation to come up. It’s a call to not stay in your feelings but to elevate your thinking to what God is saying. It’s an instruction to look deeper and adjust your perspective accordingly. Think about it! What if the shifts and date changes and people moving was all for a higher purpose? What if you chose to look at all of the tears, the rejections and the time spent as lessons that moved you forward in the spirit? Perspective adjustment!

You see, Jeremiah 29:11 told us that the Lord KNOWS the plans that He has for us and they are plans for good and not disaster to give you a future and a hope. If you believe that, then you have to believe that what you feel like is working against you is actually working for your good. There is a reason for all of this, whatever your ”this” is. Trust me, I would love for my plan to work on my timeline and the way I laid it out. But God’s plan is better and higher and it takes into account all if the things that you don’t see. Perspective adjustment!

Don’t miss God because you are in your feelings! Don’t let your flesh cause you to miss an amazing opportunity to grow or a great lesson that you can use to help others. Instead, ask God to show you what you need to see and how to respond. Remember He sees from a higher vantage point and He knows what’s ahead.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ohhhhhh...that's why!

I don’t have all of the answers and I’m not perfect. Many of the posts that I write are born out of how the Lord is dealing with me and my life. But what I have come to realize is that He gave me this platform, this life, and even the challenges that I face for one reason…for His glory. And guess what, the same goes for you. I know, I know! It’s hard to accept the fact that the pain of last year or the financial struggles of last month would be for anything but to tear your nerves up. But it’s true. I’ve really been thinking about the story of Lazarus lately and what Jesus said about His glory has stuck with me.

“But when Jesus heard about it He said, “Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death. No it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.” (John 11:4, NLT)

I began to look at this story in the context of my life and I invite you to do the same. Jesus received a message from Mary and Martha that Lazarus was very sick. It’s just like when you pray. You tell Jesus what the issue is, right? Then, if you are like me, you wait for the response that works in your favor. Come on, let’s just tell the truth today! You pray, hoping that Jesus is going to move right then and bring forth whatever you asked. Sometimes the answer is immediate and you give Him praise but sometimes there is no answer or it isn’t what you expect. Which brings me back to Jesus’s response to the sisters’ message. He received the message. He acknowledged the message. He responded to the message. The sisters, however were not present to know that He did those things. Their reality was still happening, right? Lazarus was still dying, and the text does not say that Jesus sent a message back to them to say that He was on the way. If I don’t hear from the Lord, then my natural assumption is, He didn’t hear my request so let me pray again. However, this story reminded me of something today. Jesus does not have to respond to my request but I can trust that He hears it. Let’s keep going.

So after Jesus makes the statement that Lazarus’s sickness is for the glory of God, you would hope the next line is Jesus making His way to Lazarus’s side but that’s not it. The Bible says, “So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for the next two days. Finally, he said to his disciples, “Let’s go back to Judea.” (John 11:5-6, NLT) Jesus had already stated that the sickness would not end in death and even though He loved the family, He was moving and working on His timeline. The fact that it is taking 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades for your answer to come does not mean that Jesus doesn’t care. It doesn’t mean that He has forgotten you or moved on. What it does mean is that He is going according to the plan. His plan! He knew it would happen, knew the outcome, and didn’t have to adjust His pace because the sisters were nervous. If you can acknowledge God has the creator of the universe, you must recognize Him as a God that has a plan. And not just any plan, but a well written, well scheduled, detailed, and precise one that takes into account your distrust, doubt, and absolute willingness to throw in your own bullet points and ideas when you don’t like His. Today, on this Thursday, can you get on board with His plan? Even if it means you have to wait for Him to do His portion.

I should point out here that Jesus remains keenly aware of what is happening. Why? Because He knows the plan! He tells His disciples that Lazarus is dead before they arrive. When they question Him, He essentially repeats Himself - Lazarus dies so that He can get the glory! He dies so that when He wakes Him up their faith would be stronger. Could it be that Jesus is building your faith for your next? You HAVE to be able to believe Him to go where you are going!

So Lazarus dies and the sisters are in their feelings when Jesus shows up. This reminded me of my breakdowns, temper tantrums, bouts of seclusion. You see, your flesh is not set up for waiting or disappointment. Think about Eve. She got caught up in that fruit situation because the enemy played on her feelings and her need for revelation. The sisters pointed out that if Jesus had been in place, none of their pain would have happened. Does it sound familiar to anyone but me? I prayed and asked for a particular outcome and it has not happened. Where were you, Jesus? It’s too late now. Have you been there? Have you had a Mary moment? Jesus’s response is action but also anger and weeping. At this point,  He’s done 3 years of ministry, healed countless folks, spoken life to people, specifically these people but still doubt and death was the primary reaction to His presence. Have you thought about what Jesus thinks about your response?

This story has so much that I could talk about from the miracle of the 4 days, to the resurrection, to Lazarus coming out with a word. But today, I want you to focus on this. “Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” (John 11:40, NLT) People of God, I need you to believe that what you have prayed, Jesus heard, acknowledged and responded. He wants you to believe Him. He wants you to know that you will see God’s glory even in this. I’ve seen people get saved because of someone’s death. I’ve seen people get off of drugs because someone got sick. I’ve seen people get stronger while they were out of work. Your pain will not be unto death. Your financial struggles will not be unto death. Nope! It happened for the glory of God and He will get the glory out of it!


Thursday, October 4, 2018

It's in the wait!

I’ve been sitting quietly waiting for a word for a long time but nothing. I’ve prayed, soaked, and twiddled my thumbs but nothing. I’ve started and stopped, erased, and still nothing. I started to give up and go look in my archives for an oldie but goodie but was stopped. I realized something in that moment that had escaped me in all of my waiting. Sometimes the answer is just in the waiting. Sometimes the answer is sitting and listening, soaking and twiddling your thumbs. You see, sometimes you can be so anxious to make something happen or hear the next instruction that you miss what God is saying and doing. The Lord sent me to Isaiah 40 and a familiar passage for the explanation.    

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become tired or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives strength to the weary, And to him who has no might He increases power. Even youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, but those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power; they will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired. (Isaiah 40:28-31 AMP)

Like me, you’ve probably read this passage a thousand times and been encouraged. I mean you haven’t been to a good service unless you’ve heard someone holler, “They will MOUNT up on wings like eagles!” in a good Martin Luther King voice. Therefore, when the Lord sent me there this morning, I wasn’t expecting what He showed me. So I read the verses a couple of times and on the last time, I saw it. Do you see what happens in the waiting? The new strength shows up and the fresh power! Then comes the perspective to go higher with expectation and destination. Finally the motivation to run without hindrances and move with energy. All of that happens when you wait. All of that happens when you stop worrying about what isn’t happening and let God move in the stillness. You see the funny thing is that while you are waiting, God is working. Look at the verses again! That whole passage is in active tense. They are receiving all of those things as they wait!

Listen, God recognizes that you are looking for clarity and strength to keep going. He knows that you’ve been fighting for your mind and tired in your body. However, please note that this passage first makes sure that you recognize that the Lord is in the position to oppose those obstacles. How? He does not become tired or weary. His understanding is eternal and He has strength and power in reserve. He has exactly what you need; if you will just take advantage of the space He is giving you to receive it. Have you ever considered that God makes you wait so that you have what it takes for the next step? Perhaps you need to shift your perspective away from the frustration and the disappointment and towards the gains. What have you received in the waiting? Divine connections, time to write, space to grow? Or maybe it was the strength to leave or the clarity to start your ministry? My point is that God is using your waiting period for a purpose.  Do not miss it because waiting is not on your timeline.

I realized this morning that I was missing the opportunity that God was giving me. The waiting was giving me time to hear, rest my mind, and receive. My need to keep moving told me that it was wasted time but the Lord was showing me the necessity. Make sure that you aren’t rushing a much needed time of growth, strengthening and education because you’ve gotten caught up in the wrong timeline. Sometimes the answer is in the wait.



Thursday, September 27, 2018

Go with the shift!

Alright, you will have to roll with me on this one! As I was praying, I asked the Lord to show me what the people needed today. I felt like you need a “right where I am” kind of word. I know I do! So, as I was laying there, the Lord took me into a vision. I was standing in the middle of a grove of tall pine trees. As I looked up, I could see the top of the trees and the gray sky above it. All of a sudden, the trees started to rotate in a circle, almost as if I was on a carousel, except I wasn’t moving…just the trees. I literally started to get dizzy and my head hurting from staring in one spot while the background moved. It was disconcerting and intense. I asked the Lord why He was doing that and why it had to hurt. This is what He told me.

So many of my people have dug in to a position. They have decided that this is where they are supposed to be or where they are comfortable being. Meanwhile, I am trying to change their perspective. I’m trying to show them that though their environment hasn’t changed, the way they approach that place has. It’s time to go with the shift. It’s time to look beyond what comfort and tradition says and move with Me.

Whoa! Okay, God! So why did my head have to hurt? Why am I still (as I type) feeling the effects of dizziness? He again responded…

When you decide that it’s easier to stay in a place or a mindset when I’m trying to move you, you are working against my flow. Your equilibrium is off and therefore you are not able to function at the level of effectiveness at which I have called you to operate.

I’m sorry if this seems all over the place! I’m literally typing as He speaks to me. I had to stop and look up equilibrium so that I understood what the Lord was saying. Equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced; a state of physical balance; a calm state of mind. Saints! The Lord is speaking and moving and if you are fighting that, you are not going to be able to do what He has ordained you and called you to do. Stop staying in a place that God has shifted you out of. For some of you, it is a physical place but for some of you, it is a mindset. You cannot stay in bitterness and expect revival. You cannot stay in sadness and expect joy. It’s time to go with the flow of God. It’s time to respond to His challenge to move and grow.

When I was watching those trees move but not turning with them, it hurt my head because my mind and body were working at cross-purposes to what was happening around me. I was not moving with the shift. If I had turned with the trees, I would have been moving in the same direction, therefore balanced with the movement, and thus not been hurt.  I’m reminded of one of the few times the Israelites got it right and followed the Lord’s shift. In Exodus 40:33-35, the tabernacle was completed and the glory of the Lord filled it. Then comes verses 36-38. “Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out on their journey, following it.  But if the cloud did not rise, they remained where they were until it lifted. The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day, and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.(NLT) Do you see what happened? The people kept their eyes on God’s presence and movement. When He moved, they moved and when He did not move, they stayed still. When they followed His shift, they received instruction and progress.

Saints, look at your position and evaluate whether you are missing God because you have dug into an easy and comfortable place. If so, please move. You do not want to get hurt because He is trying to change your perspective and you are fighting it. Get up! Get out! Move! Do whatever He is saying because otherwise you will not only be ineffective but you will get hurt.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

From Him to you...

I have started and stopped Rhema 3 times this morning. It seemed like my mind just couldn’t pull together what my spirit was hearing. There has been so much happening this week and my flesh…Ebony…wanted to address all of them. I wanted to encourage those in the midst of storm recovery. I wanted to comfort those who have lost loved ones. I wanted to love on those going through transition. So much that I wanted to say but I couldn’t pull it together. It took me a good bit of time to realize why that was. And it’s simply this. The words of the Lord are enough. This is what He said to me today and told me to share. I hope it encourages you as it did me.

I am here. The same yesterday, today, and forever. Perfect strength in your weakness. Strong tower that you can run into. I am here. I will provide all that you need according to My riches and I will rebuke the devourer that comes to tell you otherwise. I am here. I see your questions and my answer is love. You see, nothing can separate you from Me - not trouble, not calamity, not persecution, not financial issues, not danger, not even death. Nope! You are victorious because you are Mine.  I am working everything out for your good because you are Mine. I’m casting out your fear because you are Mine.

You will recover from the storm because I am Jehovah Shammah, the Restorer. You will heal from the losses and do my will because I am Jehovah M’Kaddesh, the One who makes you whole. You will get back on your feet because I am Jehovah Jireh, the Provider. You will survive the battle because I am Jehovah Sabaoth, the One who fights for you and causes wars to cease. I am here. The same yesterday, today, and forever. I won’t change on you. I won’t fail or abandon you. No, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I will guide you through the shift. I will go ahead of you to your next assignment. Why? Because I called you to it. You didn’t choose Me. I chose you. And I did it early and completely. I equipped you with the strength, the power, and the gifts to finish. Trust Me to walk on water. Trust Me with your mustard seed. Trust Me with your past. I already know about it and I’m still going to use you.

Child of Mine, there is nothing impossible for me. There is no principality or spirit that can stand against the power of My name. I will not depression take you out. I will not let fear swallow you up. I will not disappointment or inadequacy speak louder than I do. You are My righteousness! You are the apple of My eye! You are the reason I got on that cross and got up again. You will be alright! Your family will be alright! Your ministry will be alright! How do I know? Simple! I’ve seen the end of your story. So, be strong and very courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For I am with you wherever you go.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Where is your sting?

Hey Rhema readers! I just wanted to jump on briefly to encourage you today that what you have lost does not outweigh what you have left. So many times, when things don’t go according to our plans, we go over where we went wrong, what we missed, and why we didn’t do A, B, and C. We torture ourselves with what ifs and why nots when God really wants us to ask about the lessons. Listen to me clearly on this good Thursday! God is in this thing with you. He is supplying wisdom and strategy. He is providing clarity and tools. He is even wiping tears and standing you back up. If you are willing to walk this thing out, you will find that the timing is perfect. You will even see that nothing was wasted but rather used for your edification and growth.

Can I just encourage you today to look at your life as it is right now and celebrate what God is doing? Will you change your perspective and focus on what He is teaching you at this very moment instead of how far behind you think you are? The Lord kept repeating 1 Corinthians 15:55 over and over again in my head in prayer this morning and I didn’t get it. “Death is swallowed up in victory! O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” I mean, what does that have to do with anything you are saying, Lord? But as I am writing, I realized that He was telling me that what seemed to be the end, a loss, a death doesn’t have the power to take you out. Why? Because victory is greater! When the enemy says you failed, God says I’m using that failure to propel you forward. When people say you are not good enough, God says you are Mine and that’s more than the whole world against you. See what I’m saying? Let me say it clearly! You win! Disappointment says give up but victory is calling you forward.

I don’t know who this is for. This post is literally writing itself with each word that I type. But I feel the unction of the Holy Spirit to speak life to some struggling saints. I feel the power of God pushing me to call you out of your worry, confusion, and questions and into your victory! Death and loss cannot stand in the presence of God. Listen, this is not to say that you will not have “those days” but it is to tell you that your next is still around the corner. Your destiny and purpose was not forfeited because something in your plan didn’t work out. Nope, God is using everything for your good! Come on, saints! Let’s get back to planning, writing, dreaming, and believing. Victory already ate that death!


Thursday, September 6, 2018

It's in the plan!

Happy Thursday, Rhema readers! I’ve been grappling with the idea of purpose over the last week. How do you get there? Why is hard for some people to know what theirs is? Does it change? All of these questions as I have attempted to pray for people who are in process. The Lord gave me a simple but not so simple answer. He said, “It’s there.”

Listen, your circumstances are not equivalent with your purpose. The fact that you have had to fight for everything that you have or that your life has had lots of challenges, does not change your purpose. In actuality, those things contribute to your victory. They strengthen your conviction and your power. Why? Because everything that you have been through is being used for your good. Paul reminded us in Romans 8:28 when he said that “for those who love God, all things are working together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (ESV) You see? If you are saved and love the Lord, He is working everything for your good according to His purpose for your life. He is taking the hard stuff is using it for your good. He is taking the hurt and channeling it into growth. He is taking the losses and re-framing them as victories. How would your focus shift if you realized that God is still in control of your purpose despite where you are right now?

You see, the Lord does not do wasted creativity. When He created every single person and creature, He had a purpose for their creation. He had a plan and a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.(NLT) See?  He created you to do “good” through your relationship with Christ and it was planned beforehand. Today, I want you to grab hold of the fact that God put purpose in you and He expects it to come forth. It’s part of the plan! Just because you have gotten discouraged, frustrated and disappointed does not change who God made you to be. It is still in you! It is still planned for you. If you are still breathing, you still have an opportunity to walk out your purpose.

People of God, you are needed right now! You are a beautiful and necessary piece of a great, well designed puzzle. You know how it is, the puzzle can look beautiful but if there is one piece missing, it is incomplete. Don’t let the enemy trick you into thinking your piece is not needed. It is! Your writing is needed. Your voice is needed. Your survival is needed. Your words of encouragement are needed. Your hugs are needed. Your presence is needed. YOU ARE NEEDED! So let’s go! Step boldly out of your confusion and questions and walk into your purpose. Don’t let the enemy throw you off with a timeline or an age limit. Tell hell NO! Say, “Shut up, devil! My purpose does not expire.” Sing, minister, love, speak, overcome! Whatever God is calling you to…DO IT!  It’s part of the plan and the earth is waiting for it to come to pass.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

The answer...

Today, the Lord gave me a word and I'm just going to leave it here and hope the right ones read it. I felt a burden to encourage the frustrated. I'm not sure that I can accomplish that but I know that God can. Today, He wants you to know that He is present and working. He wants to remind you that you are not in this thing by yourself. You are not a failure nor are you behind in your destiny. Today, He wants to rub your back and wipe your tears. Today, He wants to send you lovingly back into the game. He simply told me to tell you, “I’ll be the answer.”

Sometimes, when life keeps throwing curveballs and the enemy seems to have your name at the top of all of his lists, you start to wonder where God is. Even the saved, sanctified saints can have a moment or several where you just want someone to take over your life. This morning, during my prayer time, all of the things happening around me and in my life kept distracting me.  I would pray and then a thought would pop into my head or a person’s face would flash before my eyes. I cried out to God for wisdom and clarity and He replied with, “I’ll be the answer.” I felt the peace and then my flesh started thinking of all of the questions for which I need answers. He replied, “For everything.” Alrighty then. I hear you, God.

He sent me to Isaiah 65 and to be honest, I did not quite understand why.  You see, this chapter is all about God’s frustration with His people. Not unusual, right? He got angry with them quite a bit in the Old Testament.  However, in this particular passage you can really feel God’s disappointment at how they missed so many opportunities to get what they needed. Lord, how is this supposed to encourage someone? He told me to keep reading and I discovered that He was frustrated but not completely disheartened. Towards the end of the chapter, He begins to highlight the righteous. He celebrates that there were still some good people. There were still those that served and prayed and worshipped. He talks about the new heaven and the new earth that He is creating where He will love on His people. Right as the chapter ends, He makes a promise to answer. “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” (Is. 65:24, NLT)

What I came to understand after reading the chapter is that God is aware of how both you and I feel. In raising up the people of Israel, He felt all of the emotions that you have but He did not let it change Him or His character. He was still God. He was still faithful and forgiving. He was still consistent and present. He did not stop being who He was and He did not stop honoring and loving the ones that did do the right things. Saints, stay in the fight!  Don’t judge everything wrong because of one situation. Don’t isolate yourself from people because a few don’t see who you are. The Lord is here to remind you that your purpose is worth fighting through the tiredness, the depression, and the defeat.

After all of the crazy things that happen in your life, the disappointments, the frustrations, there is still a promise and an answer. He will be healing in response to sickness, comfort for your grief, and strength for your weakness. He will be a song in your silence and love in your loneliness. He will be the answer to what ails you. There is still joy! There is still peace! There is still God! Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.” (Ps. 24:7-8 NKJV)

Who is this King of Glory? He’s the answer…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Look! A way out....

Hello Rhema family! I just want to share an encouraging word that the Lord showed me this morning. As I was in prayer, He showed me a vision of two mountains with a space between them. At first, I thought it was a valley but He told me that it was a mountain pass. Listen, there are many things that I am but an outdoors person is not one of them. I have no interest in camping, hiking, or sightseeing through the jungle. I celebrate and appreciate the beauty of nature and all that God has created safely from a balcony or porch. So when I saw this vision in prayer, I wasn’t really sure what to do with it. I technically knew what a mountain pass was but decided to look it up anyway. said that a mountain pass is the highest portion of a path through a mountain range. It can be as small as 20 feet or much larger depending on the size of the mountain. Because it is often very difficult to travel through mountains, passes have been important throughout history in trade, war and migration. What is your point, Ebony? No matter how formidable the mountain looks, no matter how inaccessible the answer seems, no matter how far the destination is, the Lord has provided a pass through for you!

Let me just remind you this morning that the Lord is with you! He is aware of what is happening in your life. He knows about the tests and the trials. He sees the cancellations and the denials. He even allowed the no and the wait. Here is the thing that He wants you to understand. He is very much in control and every mountain range that you face was created with a pass through. There is a way of escape that you have access to, if you will only trust that it is there and use it.

You see, the funny thing about a mountain pass is that while it is the highest portion of a path through a mountain range, it’s also the lowest route that can be traveled between mountains on each side. What does that mean to you? Well, it’s all about accessibility! The Lord is making sure you can find your way out safely without forsaking who He is. You see, the way out is always going to be found in Him. But He doesn’t have to change who He is to make you comfortable with the process.  You have to go up in order to get through! So many times, you want the easy way. You know what I mean, “If they would just go away, I would be good.” “If he would just do what I say, things would be so much better.” “If they would just give me more money, I would be great.” Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but does that get you all the way through the struggle? No! But when you stop trying to orchestrate your own breakthrough  and pay attention to what God is doing, you will see a path open up for you. You will see people moved that once blocked you. You will even see provision and blessing. There is a pass through for you!

The Lord then told me to share this message with you directly from His heart to yours! “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.  For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place.  Others were given in exchange for you. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you.” (Is. 43:2-4 NLT)

There is a pass through to your destiny, your victory, and your freedom. Don’t miss it because your eyes are looking for the fast and easy way. Look up to the Rock that is higher than you! Look up to the highest part of that hard place and you will find that God has provided a way out for you. 


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Can you see?

When I was in prayer this morning for Rhema, the Lord kept repeatedly speaking the word clarity to me. No matter how I tried to shift, it always came back to that word. So y’all know what I did, right? I looked it up. Clarity is clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity, the state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye; easy to understand. You see, it is important that when you hear God tell you a word that you know what it means. I knew what clarity meant, but the Lord was so adamant about it that I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Which hilariously, is what clarity is all about. But anyway, the Lord said to me, it’s time for my people to operate in clarity.

He then drew my attention to my glasses. Let me tell you; they are NECESSARY for my life. If I don’t have them on, it’s a hot mess! I can see objects and the shapes of people, but I can’t see the details. I can’t positively identify who a person is unless they are right in front of me. So I am usually wearing my glasses or contacts. Well, often in the mornings, I will put my glasses on, and I can tell right away that they are dirty. There are smudges and dirt clouding what I need to see. Things that have gotten on them from the course of the previous day and overnight. I can still see, but I’m distracted by what I have to look through. What do I do in that situation? I clean them. What’s your point, Ebony?

Some of you are walking around with dirty glasses on. You have been given an assignment, and you can’t fully operate in it because your vision is cloudy and you are being distracted by what has gotten on you during your journey. You are operating without a full understanding of what you are supposed to be doing. You have been unable distinguish the ones who are for you and the ones who are against you. You have been unable to see the details that God has put before you. It’s time to clean your glasses. It’s time to stop letting pride keep you from getting the training that you need. It’s time stop letting tradition and the opinion of man stop you from walking boldly in your calling. Most of all, it is time to stop giving in to fear. It’s time to take out your spiritual cloth and wipe those glasses off. It’s time to make the necessary steps to ensure that you see what you are supposed to see. If you want to stand up to the strongmen of this world, you have to have a clear understanding of your assignment.

Ephesians 1: 17-19 says, “I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing Him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is He is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life He has for His followers, oh, the utter extravagance of His work in us who trust Him—endless energy, boundless strength!” (MSG) Paul was telling the Church at Ephesus that he constantly prayed for them to have clarity so that they could do what they were called to do and understand what God was doing in them. Come on, people of God, stop playing with your calling and walk it out! Think back to the definition of clarity for a minute. It is a freedom from ambiguity and indistinctness. That means you are free from uncertainty or more than one interpretation. You are free from lack of definition and sharpness. God is calling for His people to be focused and clear!  He is calling you out of the gray area today.

It is no longer alright to be irresponsible with your assignment. It is no longer alright to be a renegade Christian with no clear covering or accountability. It is no longer alright to be hurting people with a gift that should be helping them. It’s time for clarity. It’s time to make your decisions with clarity. It’s time to evaluate your vision with clarity. It’s time to listen with clarity. It’s time to operate in clarity. You see, God did not give us a spirit of fear, but He did give us power, love, and a SOUND mind. A sound mind is a clear mind. Clean your glasses, saints. It’s time to see what you are supposed to see.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Are you willing?

Sometimes when I go into a prayer for Rhema, I have an idea of what I am supposed to say but I need it to be fleshed out. Today, I went empty and the Lord responded with a question. In a completely quiet moment, I heard Him ask, “Are you willing?” I felt it all the way in the pit of my stomach and knew that this was going to hurt my feelings! He flashed Isaiah 1:19 before my eyes. You know the one. “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;” (NKJV). He said, you have been obedient but you haven’t always been willing.” (*immediately starts shaking head, and quickly goes to dictionary)

The definition of willing in the Cambridge English Dictionary is to be happy to do something if it is needed, not opposed to doing something; ready or eager to do something. Well that pretty much shuts the party down from the start. Here’s my truth and maybe you will see some of you!

I’ve always been obedient. It usually tears my nerves up if I am intentionally not doing something that I have been told to do. But willing? Not so much! Which means that I have done some things with a bad attitude and gone places with the wrong intentions. Am I alone? What I have realized over the years is that if I cannot do something with the right attitude and motives then I might as well not do it. The Lord convicted me with this question this morning because I know that He has called me to do some things in the Kingdom that I have been obedient to but not willing. You see Isaiah 1:19 says that if we want to eat the good of the land then obedience alone is not going to get it. You need to be eager, ready, happy and not opposed to it. What about you? When you were called to pastor, did you go willingly? When you were told to stay at that church and serve, did you do it willingly? When you were told to go to the streets instead of the nations, did you go willingly? You see, obedience without willingness only takes you part of the way. You will still eat but will it be the best you could have? Be willing...

A lot of us have been told throughout our lives that obedience is better than sacrifice. It’s Bible, right?! But it made sense to me this morning like never before. Sacrifice is giving up something that you don’t really want to give up. Isn’t that the opposite of being willing? So of course, obedience is better than doing something that you do not necessarily want to do. Willingness, however, is to do something eagerly! Do you see where I am going? Being willing means that you take the instruction and you come into agreement with it. It means that you respond with your spirit and not your flesh. Your spirit is attached to the Holy Spirit and therefore wants what He wants. So when the Lord tells you to do something, it should be a willing response. Your flesh thinks about the discomfort and the change. It reminds you of how hard it will be and who won’t like it. Your flesh does not want to do what the Lord is saying. But its time to follow the Spirit! Be willing…

So can we have a truth moment? In this passage of scripture, God was talking to a rebellious Judah through Isaiah. He was tired of giving and His people not changing. The entire chapter is His unhappiness with their attitudes, their half obedience, and their insincere worship. He wanted change and not lip service. This is at the heart of the Lord’s question today. Are you willing?  Think about it! Have you thought about how He sees your attitude or your resistance? You have obeyed in a lot of things but willing you have not always been. The Lord called you, and you ran. He promised to equip you, you questioned. The Lord moved you, and you struggled. He told you to forgive, and you held on. He set you free, and you went back. What if you decided to switch the game up today? What if you decided that it is better to willingly follow the Lord no matter where He takes you? What if you decided that instead of just obeying, you want to be happy about it? Aren’t you ready to eat the good of the land? I know I am! I want my yes to be heard with joy and not with the echo of “He made me do it”.  Come on, men & women of God…be willing!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Are you ready to listen?

Being a writer, I often find myself sitting at the computer trying to make something God is telling me make sense like a sentence. I want it to have a structure that I can understand with a subject, a verb, and properly placed prepositions. It can sometimes take me forever to write Rhema because I am trying to say what God is saying in a way that will encourage you or make you feel better. There are some days that just doesn’t work. Today is one of those days though I tried hard to make it work. God said to me, ‘just tell the story.’ Sounded so easy but it wasn’t! I just didn’t know what to do with what He was saying. I woke up with one line echoing in my head, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” I knew exactly where to find it in the Bible because I have read this passage many times before and actually pray it every week when preparing to write Rhema. Today, I heard it differently and I just wasn’t quite sure what was supposed to come next. I didn’t hear anything else. So I went to the story and read it again.

I thought it might be best if you read it for yourself so that you really feel it. Here goes...
   “One night Eli, who was almost blind by now, had gone to bed.  The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was sleeping in the Tabernacle near the Ark of God.  Suddenly the Lord called out, “Samuel!” “Yes?” Samuel replied. “What is it?” He got up and ran to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” “I didn’t call you,” Eli replied. “Go back to bed.” So he did.  Then the Lord called out again, “Samuel!” Again Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” “I didn’t call you, my son,” Eli said. “Go back to bed.” Samuel did not yet know the Lord because he had never had a message from the Lord before. So the Lord called a third time, and once more Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” Then Eli realized it was the Lord who was calling the boy. So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if someone calls again, say, ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went back to bed.  And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”  Then the Lord said to Samuel, “I am about to do a shocking thing in Israel.  I am going to carry out all my threats against Eli and his family, from beginning to end.  I have warned him that judgment is coming upon his family forever, because his sons are blaspheming God and he hasn’t disciplined them. So I have vowed that the sins of Eli and his sons will never be forgiven by sacrifices or offerings.” (1 Sam. 3: 2 – 14 NLT)

That was deep, right? Well...then I heard this. “Are you listening out for Me to call your name? Are you expecting Me to speak and give you instruction or are you sleeping through it and letting My voice continue to go unrecognized? The solution to your issue cannot be found with man but instead, it can only be found in Me.”  Well, okay then, God! It was a strong word but it made me sit up and pay attention to the fact that God wants to be heard. He isn’t speaking for no reason. If you are one that has never heard from God or recognized His voice in the word, in your spirit, or even audibly, this does not give you an out. The text was very specific in noting that Samuel had never heard from the Lord before but once he knew, he acted and God took him to the next level. He trusted Samuel with a hard assignment and though afraid, Samuel followed through with it and God rewarded him with His presence. “As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable.  And all Israel, from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south, knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the Lord.  The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh and gave messages to Samuel there at the Tabernacle.” (1 Sam 3: 19 -21 NLT)

God is speaking but He wants to know that you are listening. The Message translates the line as, “Speak, God. I’m your servant, ready to listen.” Are you ready to listen? It’s no longer acceptable to use tradition as an excuse. That’s not what they do at my church. My family will think I’m crazy if I say God told me. I’m too young, old, etc. This is important for your spiritual walk and your relationship. The trust factor that God has been highlighting for the last several weeks comes down to this. How can you trust a voice that you refuse to acknowledge? How can you go forward with an instruction that you can’t hear? God called out to Samuel three times before Eli explained to him that it was God. How many messages have you missed? Aren’t you tired of missing Him because you’ve been distracted by people, confusion, and things. So, I both challenge and encourage you to get in your secret place TODAY and meet with God.

You see what God is telling you might save someone’s life. It might change the direction that someone is walking in. What God told Samuel was difficult. He had to tell Eli that his family was going to be punished for all they had done and it couldn’t be stopped with a sacrifice or an offering. That’s hard! Eli was Samuel’s mentor and he loved him. But God had an assignment for Samuel that He wanted to make sure was heard. Eli accepted what Samuel shared and God ensured that people knew that Samuel was truly hearing from Him. You see, when God is speaking to you, you don’t have to be afraid to obey. He is going to cover and keep you.  When He tells you to speak, speak! When He tells you to be quiet, shut it!  If this is hard to read, trust me, I’m right there with you. I asked Him to speak and that I would listen so I also had to obey. This was my daily lesson in obedience. Saints, God is speaking to you and now He wants to know your response. I have a suggestion… “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”


Thursday, July 12, 2018


What would you do differently if your next decision determined your destiny? How would you act if what you said in the next minute could change the direction of your life? Where you would go if your choice were the last move you would ever make? Deep questions for a Thursday afternoon, huh? I agree! I asked the Lord what the point was and His response almost took me out. He said, ‘so many people treat the life I gave them with cavalier attitudes. They don’t seek Me. They don’t acknowledge Me. And they certainly don’t obey Me. However, when their outcomes don’t line up with their expectations, they are mad at Me. If they want something different, do something different.’ I was a bit shocked. Not what I was expecting to hear or write today by a long shot! However, it was so important. 

The Lord sent me to a scripture that people use and say ALL OF THE TIME – Jeremiah 29:11. The Message Translation says it like this, “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out- plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” I began to wonder how many of you have missed out some plans because you refused to listen? (Insert: when I ask this question, I am including myself!) Have you ever asked yourself why there is a “why” attached to your response whenever the Lord asks you to do something? Wouldn’t it make sense to just do what He says? Wouldn’t you get to that future with fewer mishaps if you went with the plan? I wanted to say wouldn’t you get their easier but the Lord wouldn’t let me write it. You see, this whole thing isn’t about easier but it’s about structure. The Lord clearly says that He has a plan. So, if you work within the confines of His plan then you will get to the result.  Right? I know, I know…there is that funny thing called free will. It’s a real thing! The issue is that you can choose to obey.  Now that puts free will in a completely new place for me! You can clearly choose to do what you want to do but you also can just choose to do what He said.  I mean, his plan is three fold – take care of you, not abandon you, and give you the future you hope for. The problem you have is your plan usually falls short in one of these areas. How’s that free will thing working out for you?

I don’t know if this is making sense or not but I am stuck! It’s time to change perspectives. It is time to stop looking at this destiny thing as if it’s a lottery chance. It is not! The Lord said that He KNOWS the plans He has for you. Got it? Your destiny is settled. Your next is assured. Could it be that the reason you aren’t winning is because your part has not been handled with assurance? You read that scripture and add all sorts of conditional statements and feelings and emotions instead of saying, God has this handled, let me just get on board.  Listen! Will you try trusting Him with your life? Will you take your hands off everything and give it to Him? I mean get in line with the plan. How? He says to you, “Go preach My word.” You say, “Ok. Tell me where to go.” He says, “Stop going to that place. It’s not in line with My will for you.” You say, “Ok. Show me where I need to be.” He says to you, “Pour your energy here and stop wasting it there.” You say, Ok. Tell me what to do.” You see where I’m going? There is a purpose to every instruction. It’s a part of the plan! Your responsibility is to say ok.
