Thursday, November 8, 2018

Take it back!

There comes a place in your life where you know who you are in God. For some it takes many years and lived experiences to get there. For others, it comes earlier in life, even if it requires several confirmations and reminders. What I have discovered is that who God sees in you doesn’t change, it is your awareness of it or even willingness to accept it that really changes. When I think back over my life, I heard God and people call out the things that I am walking out now but I was unwilling to accept them as possible. People said I would be a writer but I could not see myself writing a book or so I ignored it. People said I would impact women but I could not see myself pouring into women so I downplayed it. Do you see a theme developing? Who God created me to be was always there but I was unprepared or unwilling to accept it. My encouragement to you today is to take back what is yours!

The enemy’s primary goal is to destroy God’s people. One of the best ways to do that is to convince the person that they are unable to achieve their purpose. Think about that sneaky little whisper that Satan uses. It speaks the opposite of what God has said about you. You aren’t worthy. You aren’t smart enough. You can’t do that. You don’t have the resources. You are a failure.  Blah blah blah… The interesting thing about those words is that, in most cases, if a person came up to you and said those things you would get angry, indignant, and go off. However, when the enemy says it, it somehow gains all of this power and traction in your mind. Well today, it is time to tell HELL no! It is time to take back what is yours!

What are you saying, Ebony? Well, I’m reminded of what the Lord said to Jeremiah when He called Him to be a prophet. “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5 NLT) What would happen if you decided to come into agreement with what God set you apart for in the womb? Let that sink in. Okay…Then He said, “And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you.” (Jer. 1: 8 NLT) Do you think God just meant that for Jeremiah? Nope. He is Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, our Protector. What would happen if you decided to stop letting people define you with titles and opinions and began to walk out who God called you to be?

Sooooo…what do I mean when I say take back what is yours? I mean take back your name from whoever has tried to make it stand for something other than what God intended. I mean take back your identity from whoever or whatever has tried to distort or confuse it from what God ordained. I mean take back your confidence from your past mistakes and circumstances. You do not owe your past anything! I mean take back your peace from whatever or whoever has tried to run away with it. I mean take back your joy from depression and grief. Those spirits do not have a legal right to your mind unless you allow it. Come on, saints of God! What God said about you has not changed so if you have thought or been told differently, shut it down and take back what is yours!


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