Thursday, October 25, 2018

Take it up with God!

I’ve decided that obedience is the only course of action at this point in my life. There are just too many variables and possibilities when you choose any other way. I recognize that making this statement means that I will upset family, throw off church folks and disrupt plans but that’s not on me. Why? Because if God said it, He will cover it. I can’t miss God so that someone else will be comfortable or allowed to stay in control. Sorry...not sorry! Folks, you would be best served by following my lead or better yet, just follow the Bible.

When the Lord told Saul to destroy the Amalekites and everything that belonged to them in 1 Samuel 15, He was specific and clear. There was no hidden meaning or secret code.   “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has declared: I have decided to settle accounts with the nation of Amalek for opposing Israel when they came from Egypt. Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys.”” (1 Samuel 15:2-3 NLT) He told Saul why, what and when, which I will admit is more than you or I often get. My point is that the Lord was clear! Saul, however, l did what some of us are guilty of doing. He made the instruction work for him. He adjusted his response so that he profited and then justified that decision by glorifying partial obedience. “He captured Agag, the Amalekite king, but completely destroyed everyone else. Saul and his men spared Agag’s life and kept the best of the sheep and goats, the cattle, the fat calves, and the lambs—everything, in fact, that appealed to them. They destroyed only what was worthless or of poor quality.”(1 Samuel 15:8-9 NLT) Here is the problem. God did not ask Saul to do some of what He said. He said NOW GO...COMPLETELY DESTROY. Saul did not do that and found himself face to face with something no one wants...God’s rejection. Listen, folks, I love y’all but I’m not messing up God’s trust in me so you will be okay with my choices. Not doing it...

Saul missed God, not only in action, but in thought. He assumed that God would be okay with him adjusting His instruction because a sacrifice would be made. But the sacrifice was unnecessary because it was not asked for. It’s just like when you think you are alright with doing some of what God said just because you gave up a lot of time doing what He didn’t tell you to do. Nope! Stop playing mind games with the God whose thoughts are higher than yours! Just do what He says!

Look at what the Lord says and Samuel’s response. ““I am sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my command.” Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the Lord all night.” (1 Samuel 15:11 NLT) God considers your obedience as loyalty to Him. Does that put things in perspective? Does that help you understand why your friend had to leave your church or why your co-worker had to move across the country or better yet why you had to start that business? It is because loyalty and obedience to God is better than comfort and pleasing others. Fam, it’s time to stop talking yourself out of hard stuff and making adjustments to God’s instructions because you don’t know how it will turn out.

I have decided that I will obey even if it means something doesn’t work out the way I want it to. Why? Because the not working out is part of God’s plan and purpose for my life. There is a lesson and a maturing that I need for the next level of my life. When Samuel asked Saul why he didn’t do what God said, he proudly justified his choice. Samuel’s response is exactly why you do not need to make the same mistake. “But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols. So because you have rejected the command of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.”” (1 Samuel 15:22-23 NLT)

Your job is to obey and anyone that has a problem with it needs to take it up with God.


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