Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ohhhhhh...that's why!

I don’t have all of the answers and I’m not perfect. Many of the posts that I write are born out of how the Lord is dealing with me and my life. But what I have come to realize is that He gave me this platform, this life, and even the challenges that I face for one reason…for His glory. And guess what, the same goes for you. I know, I know! It’s hard to accept the fact that the pain of last year or the financial struggles of last month would be for anything but to tear your nerves up. But it’s true. I’ve really been thinking about the story of Lazarus lately and what Jesus said about His glory has stuck with me.

“But when Jesus heard about it He said, “Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death. No it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.” (John 11:4, NLT)

I began to look at this story in the context of my life and I invite you to do the same. Jesus received a message from Mary and Martha that Lazarus was very sick. It’s just like when you pray. You tell Jesus what the issue is, right? Then, if you are like me, you wait for the response that works in your favor. Come on, let’s just tell the truth today! You pray, hoping that Jesus is going to move right then and bring forth whatever you asked. Sometimes the answer is immediate and you give Him praise but sometimes there is no answer or it isn’t what you expect. Which brings me back to Jesus’s response to the sisters’ message. He received the message. He acknowledged the message. He responded to the message. The sisters, however were not present to know that He did those things. Their reality was still happening, right? Lazarus was still dying, and the text does not say that Jesus sent a message back to them to say that He was on the way. If I don’t hear from the Lord, then my natural assumption is, He didn’t hear my request so let me pray again. However, this story reminded me of something today. Jesus does not have to respond to my request but I can trust that He hears it. Let’s keep going.

So after Jesus makes the statement that Lazarus’s sickness is for the glory of God, you would hope the next line is Jesus making His way to Lazarus’s side but that’s not it. The Bible says, “So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for the next two days. Finally, he said to his disciples, “Let’s go back to Judea.” (John 11:5-6, NLT) Jesus had already stated that the sickness would not end in death and even though He loved the family, He was moving and working on His timeline. The fact that it is taking 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades for your answer to come does not mean that Jesus doesn’t care. It doesn’t mean that He has forgotten you or moved on. What it does mean is that He is going according to the plan. His plan! He knew it would happen, knew the outcome, and didn’t have to adjust His pace because the sisters were nervous. If you can acknowledge God has the creator of the universe, you must recognize Him as a God that has a plan. And not just any plan, but a well written, well scheduled, detailed, and precise one that takes into account your distrust, doubt, and absolute willingness to throw in your own bullet points and ideas when you don’t like His. Today, on this Thursday, can you get on board with His plan? Even if it means you have to wait for Him to do His portion.

I should point out here that Jesus remains keenly aware of what is happening. Why? Because He knows the plan! He tells His disciples that Lazarus is dead before they arrive. When they question Him, He essentially repeats Himself - Lazarus dies so that He can get the glory! He dies so that when He wakes Him up their faith would be stronger. Could it be that Jesus is building your faith for your next? You HAVE to be able to believe Him to go where you are going!

So Lazarus dies and the sisters are in their feelings when Jesus shows up. This reminded me of my breakdowns, temper tantrums, bouts of seclusion. You see, your flesh is not set up for waiting or disappointment. Think about Eve. She got caught up in that fruit situation because the enemy played on her feelings and her need for revelation. The sisters pointed out that if Jesus had been in place, none of their pain would have happened. Does it sound familiar to anyone but me? I prayed and asked for a particular outcome and it has not happened. Where were you, Jesus? It’s too late now. Have you been there? Have you had a Mary moment? Jesus’s response is action but also anger and weeping. At this point,  He’s done 3 years of ministry, healed countless folks, spoken life to people, specifically these people but still doubt and death was the primary reaction to His presence. Have you thought about what Jesus thinks about your response?

This story has so much that I could talk about from the miracle of the 4 days, to the resurrection, to Lazarus coming out with a word. But today, I want you to focus on this. “Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” (John 11:40, NLT) People of God, I need you to believe that what you have prayed, Jesus heard, acknowledged and responded. He wants you to believe Him. He wants you to know that you will see God’s glory even in this. I’ve seen people get saved because of someone’s death. I’ve seen people get off of drugs because someone got sick. I’ve seen people get stronger while they were out of work. Your pain will not be unto death. Your financial struggles will not be unto death. Nope! It happened for the glory of God and He will get the glory out of it!


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