Thursday, October 4, 2018

It's in the wait!

I’ve been sitting quietly waiting for a word for a long time but nothing. I’ve prayed, soaked, and twiddled my thumbs but nothing. I’ve started and stopped, erased, and still nothing. I started to give up and go look in my archives for an oldie but goodie but was stopped. I realized something in that moment that had escaped me in all of my waiting. Sometimes the answer is just in the waiting. Sometimes the answer is sitting and listening, soaking and twiddling your thumbs. You see, sometimes you can be so anxious to make something happen or hear the next instruction that you miss what God is saying and doing. The Lord sent me to Isaiah 40 and a familiar passage for the explanation.    

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become tired or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives strength to the weary, And to him who has no might He increases power. Even youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, but those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power; they will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired. (Isaiah 40:28-31 AMP)

Like me, you’ve probably read this passage a thousand times and been encouraged. I mean you haven’t been to a good service unless you’ve heard someone holler, “They will MOUNT up on wings like eagles!” in a good Martin Luther King voice. Therefore, when the Lord sent me there this morning, I wasn’t expecting what He showed me. So I read the verses a couple of times and on the last time, I saw it. Do you see what happens in the waiting? The new strength shows up and the fresh power! Then comes the perspective to go higher with expectation and destination. Finally the motivation to run without hindrances and move with energy. All of that happens when you wait. All of that happens when you stop worrying about what isn’t happening and let God move in the stillness. You see the funny thing is that while you are waiting, God is working. Look at the verses again! That whole passage is in active tense. They are receiving all of those things as they wait!

Listen, God recognizes that you are looking for clarity and strength to keep going. He knows that you’ve been fighting for your mind and tired in your body. However, please note that this passage first makes sure that you recognize that the Lord is in the position to oppose those obstacles. How? He does not become tired or weary. His understanding is eternal and He has strength and power in reserve. He has exactly what you need; if you will just take advantage of the space He is giving you to receive it. Have you ever considered that God makes you wait so that you have what it takes for the next step? Perhaps you need to shift your perspective away from the frustration and the disappointment and towards the gains. What have you received in the waiting? Divine connections, time to write, space to grow? Or maybe it was the strength to leave or the clarity to start your ministry? My point is that God is using your waiting period for a purpose.  Do not miss it because waiting is not on your timeline.

I realized this morning that I was missing the opportunity that God was giving me. The waiting was giving me time to hear, rest my mind, and receive. My need to keep moving told me that it was wasted time but the Lord was showing me the necessity. Make sure that you aren’t rushing a much needed time of growth, strengthening and education because you’ve gotten caught up in the wrong timeline. Sometimes the answer is in the wait.



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