Thursday, November 29, 2018

Who's in your ear?

Hello all! I have been trying for a while now to put into words what the Lord just told me. Wait, I take that back. I have been trying to do this deep explanation so that it would make sense to you instead of just saying it. Clearly, He just wants me to spit it out so I will!

 God is speaking to you and you need to make sure you understand what He is saying. It is time out for interpretation by way of gossip, Facebook, and Google. Rather it is time to get in the position to hear HIM and stay there until you know what God is saying to you. So many of you are missing God because your flesh is speaking louder than He is. Well, actually, it’s just that you have the volume set louder on your flesh. Listen, God is speaking to your future. He is calling you out of old patterns and cycles, and calling you into a new thing. Do not miss it because it is uncomfortable. Do not miss it because it doesn’t go along with your carefully constructed plan. Sometimes, you can feel like God took you on this major side journey, when in fact, it has always been His plan to allow you to experience some challenges so that the responsibility He is preparing you for does not break you. I have been there! I had to experience the pain of bondage, rejection, pain and struggle so that I could pull someone else out of it. But here’s the thing. I had to be willing to go through it. I had to LISTEN to what God was saying and not what my flesh or emotions were saying.
Isaiah 50:4-7 slapped me awake today.  

The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue,
    to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning,
    wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.  The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears;
    I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away.  I offered my back to those who beat me,
    my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face
    from mocking and spitting.  Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,
    I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint,
    and I know I will not be put to shame.

Okay, you might have to read that again! Pay attention to what Isaiah is saying. The Sovereign Lord – the one who controls everything and knows everything is about the business of equipping His people for what He instructs them to do. If you are not hearing God the way you need to be, go back and ask Him to “waken your ears to listen like one being instructed”. Ask Him to speak to your spirit so that you will obey without rebellion and fear. Ask Him to remind you that He is with you no matter who comes against you. Isaiah said that he obeyed God through suffering and mockery because He knew that because the Lord was with Him, He would not be disgraced or put to shame. Can you say the same? Is your face set like flint because you know that God will do what He said?

Listen, friend, don’t you dare make another move out of fear or emotion! Don’t you go one more day without listening to what God is saying to you about your future. And PLEASE, don’t let someone else’s fear or perceptions make you do something that God did not speak to you! If you have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Lord is saying, you will get through every challenge on your way to destiny.  You will grow through the hard place and advance through your obedience. You have what you need! John 10:27 says, “My sheep respond as they hear My voice; I know them intimately, and they follow Me.” (VOICE) Come on, saints! It’s time to stop being led by your flesh and listen to the right voice.


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