Thursday, September 13, 2018

Where is your sting?

Hey Rhema readers! I just wanted to jump on briefly to encourage you today that what you have lost does not outweigh what you have left. So many times, when things don’t go according to our plans, we go over where we went wrong, what we missed, and why we didn’t do A, B, and C. We torture ourselves with what ifs and why nots when God really wants us to ask about the lessons. Listen to me clearly on this good Thursday! God is in this thing with you. He is supplying wisdom and strategy. He is providing clarity and tools. He is even wiping tears and standing you back up. If you are willing to walk this thing out, you will find that the timing is perfect. You will even see that nothing was wasted but rather used for your edification and growth.

Can I just encourage you today to look at your life as it is right now and celebrate what God is doing? Will you change your perspective and focus on what He is teaching you at this very moment instead of how far behind you think you are? The Lord kept repeating 1 Corinthians 15:55 over and over again in my head in prayer this morning and I didn’t get it. “Death is swallowed up in victory! O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” I mean, what does that have to do with anything you are saying, Lord? But as I am writing, I realized that He was telling me that what seemed to be the end, a loss, a death doesn’t have the power to take you out. Why? Because victory is greater! When the enemy says you failed, God says I’m using that failure to propel you forward. When people say you are not good enough, God says you are Mine and that’s more than the whole world against you. See what I’m saying? Let me say it clearly! You win! Disappointment says give up but victory is calling you forward.

I don’t know who this is for. This post is literally writing itself with each word that I type. But I feel the unction of the Holy Spirit to speak life to some struggling saints. I feel the power of God pushing me to call you out of your worry, confusion, and questions and into your victory! Death and loss cannot stand in the presence of God. Listen, this is not to say that you will not have “those days” but it is to tell you that your next is still around the corner. Your destiny and purpose was not forfeited because something in your plan didn’t work out. Nope, God is using everything for your good! Come on, saints! Let’s get back to planning, writing, dreaming, and believing. Victory already ate that death!


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