Thursday, September 20, 2018

From Him to you...

I have started and stopped Rhema 3 times this morning. It seemed like my mind just couldn’t pull together what my spirit was hearing. There has been so much happening this week and my flesh…Ebony…wanted to address all of them. I wanted to encourage those in the midst of storm recovery. I wanted to comfort those who have lost loved ones. I wanted to love on those going through transition. So much that I wanted to say but I couldn’t pull it together. It took me a good bit of time to realize why that was. And it’s simply this. The words of the Lord are enough. This is what He said to me today and told me to share. I hope it encourages you as it did me.

I am here. The same yesterday, today, and forever. Perfect strength in your weakness. Strong tower that you can run into. I am here. I will provide all that you need according to My riches and I will rebuke the devourer that comes to tell you otherwise. I am here. I see your questions and my answer is love. You see, nothing can separate you from Me - not trouble, not calamity, not persecution, not financial issues, not danger, not even death. Nope! You are victorious because you are Mine.  I am working everything out for your good because you are Mine. I’m casting out your fear because you are Mine.

You will recover from the storm because I am Jehovah Shammah, the Restorer. You will heal from the losses and do my will because I am Jehovah M’Kaddesh, the One who makes you whole. You will get back on your feet because I am Jehovah Jireh, the Provider. You will survive the battle because I am Jehovah Sabaoth, the One who fights for you and causes wars to cease. I am here. The same yesterday, today, and forever. I won’t change on you. I won’t fail or abandon you. No, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I will guide you through the shift. I will go ahead of you to your next assignment. Why? Because I called you to it. You didn’t choose Me. I chose you. And I did it early and completely. I equipped you with the strength, the power, and the gifts to finish. Trust Me to walk on water. Trust Me with your mustard seed. Trust Me with your past. I already know about it and I’m still going to use you.

Child of Mine, there is nothing impossible for me. There is no principality or spirit that can stand against the power of My name. I will not depression take you out. I will not let fear swallow you up. I will not disappointment or inadequacy speak louder than I do. You are My righteousness! You are the apple of My eye! You are the reason I got on that cross and got up again. You will be alright! Your family will be alright! Your ministry will be alright! How do I know? Simple! I’ve seen the end of your story. So, be strong and very courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For I am with you wherever you go.


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