Thursday, November 15, 2018

Still the same!

Transition is a funny thing. Its ultimate goal is to take you to a new place but it often feels like the hardest journey you have ever taken. Whether you are leaving a home or changing positions, the temptation to stay is always so strong, even when you know you are doing the right thing. There has been a lot of transition and shifting in my life over the last 2-3 years. I have been called out of just about every comfortable and familiar place that you could imagine. It has been challenging and I have cried many tears but I am still here. In fact, I am still here and much stronger. I realized why this morning after hearing Shana Wilson Williams sing this one line in my head over and over again. “You stay the same.” It was on constant repeat. Finally, the Lord asked me if I had gotten it yet. I realized that I had. No matter what is going on in my life, He doesn’t change. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. I know, I know! That’s one of the churchiest phrases there is. But guess what? It is the Word and it is a promise!

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” It is snuggled in between a verse about remembering your spiritual leaders, and not being taken in by new ideas because your strength comes from God’s grace. I don’t think I have ever paid much attention to what was around that verse before. I just liked the idea that Jesus was consistent so I focused on that. However, today it made sense to me why that verse would be smack dab in the middle of a chapter that gives advice about everything from hospitality and marriage to how to serve and be in relationship. It is because your stability is in Christ. It is the best kind of visual for an English major like me! It’s all about being able to identify the most important theme or lesson in the midst of many important ideas. Listen! No matter what you are being challenged with, facing, or trying to overcome, the Lord does not change. Whether your entire life flips 180 degrees tomorrow, Jesus will still be loving you the exact same way – fully and completely.

It is so important that when you are going through some sort of transition, you dig down deeper into your relationship with Christ. You have to in order to survive. Which explains why the old saints sang “on Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground Is sinking sand” with such conviction. Everything can shift but Christ will be a constant support. People of God, transition is not so scary when you realize that the important things are still the same. My prayer for you today is that you allow the consistency of Christ to carry you through the ups and downs of change. I pray that you seek Him more and more and believe Him when He responds. I am going to leave you with verse 3 of the great hymn by Edward Mote, The Solid Rock.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

He stays the same even when nothing else does.


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