Thursday, September 6, 2018

It's in the plan!

Happy Thursday, Rhema readers! I’ve been grappling with the idea of purpose over the last week. How do you get there? Why is hard for some people to know what theirs is? Does it change? All of these questions as I have attempted to pray for people who are in process. The Lord gave me a simple but not so simple answer. He said, “It’s there.”

Listen, your circumstances are not equivalent with your purpose. The fact that you have had to fight for everything that you have or that your life has had lots of challenges, does not change your purpose. In actuality, those things contribute to your victory. They strengthen your conviction and your power. Why? Because everything that you have been through is being used for your good. Paul reminded us in Romans 8:28 when he said that “for those who love God, all things are working together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (ESV) You see? If you are saved and love the Lord, He is working everything for your good according to His purpose for your life. He is taking the hard stuff is using it for your good. He is taking the hurt and channeling it into growth. He is taking the losses and re-framing them as victories. How would your focus shift if you realized that God is still in control of your purpose despite where you are right now?

You see, the Lord does not do wasted creativity. When He created every single person and creature, He had a purpose for their creation. He had a plan and a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.(NLT) See?  He created you to do “good” through your relationship with Christ and it was planned beforehand. Today, I want you to grab hold of the fact that God put purpose in you and He expects it to come forth. It’s part of the plan! Just because you have gotten discouraged, frustrated and disappointed does not change who God made you to be. It is still in you! It is still planned for you. If you are still breathing, you still have an opportunity to walk out your purpose.

People of God, you are needed right now! You are a beautiful and necessary piece of a great, well designed puzzle. You know how it is, the puzzle can look beautiful but if there is one piece missing, it is incomplete. Don’t let the enemy trick you into thinking your piece is not needed. It is! Your writing is needed. Your voice is needed. Your survival is needed. Your words of encouragement are needed. Your hugs are needed. Your presence is needed. YOU ARE NEEDED! So let’s go! Step boldly out of your confusion and questions and walk into your purpose. Don’t let the enemy throw you off with a timeline or an age limit. Tell hell NO! Say, “Shut up, devil! My purpose does not expire.” Sing, minister, love, speak, overcome! Whatever God is calling you to…DO IT!  It’s part of the plan and the earth is waiting for it to come to pass.


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