Thursday, August 30, 2018

The answer...

Today, the Lord gave me a word and I'm just going to leave it here and hope the right ones read it. I felt a burden to encourage the frustrated. I'm not sure that I can accomplish that but I know that God can. Today, He wants you to know that He is present and working. He wants to remind you that you are not in this thing by yourself. You are not a failure nor are you behind in your destiny. Today, He wants to rub your back and wipe your tears. Today, He wants to send you lovingly back into the game. He simply told me to tell you, “I’ll be the answer.”

Sometimes, when life keeps throwing curveballs and the enemy seems to have your name at the top of all of his lists, you start to wonder where God is. Even the saved, sanctified saints can have a moment or several where you just want someone to take over your life. This morning, during my prayer time, all of the things happening around me and in my life kept distracting me.  I would pray and then a thought would pop into my head or a person’s face would flash before my eyes. I cried out to God for wisdom and clarity and He replied with, “I’ll be the answer.” I felt the peace and then my flesh started thinking of all of the questions for which I need answers. He replied, “For everything.” Alrighty then. I hear you, God.

He sent me to Isaiah 65 and to be honest, I did not quite understand why.  You see, this chapter is all about God’s frustration with His people. Not unusual, right? He got angry with them quite a bit in the Old Testament.  However, in this particular passage you can really feel God’s disappointment at how they missed so many opportunities to get what they needed. Lord, how is this supposed to encourage someone? He told me to keep reading and I discovered that He was frustrated but not completely disheartened. Towards the end of the chapter, He begins to highlight the righteous. He celebrates that there were still some good people. There were still those that served and prayed and worshipped. He talks about the new heaven and the new earth that He is creating where He will love on His people. Right as the chapter ends, He makes a promise to answer. “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” (Is. 65:24, NLT)

What I came to understand after reading the chapter is that God is aware of how both you and I feel. In raising up the people of Israel, He felt all of the emotions that you have but He did not let it change Him or His character. He was still God. He was still faithful and forgiving. He was still consistent and present. He did not stop being who He was and He did not stop honoring and loving the ones that did do the right things. Saints, stay in the fight!  Don’t judge everything wrong because of one situation. Don’t isolate yourself from people because a few don’t see who you are. The Lord is here to remind you that your purpose is worth fighting through the tiredness, the depression, and the defeat.

After all of the crazy things that happen in your life, the disappointments, the frustrations, there is still a promise and an answer. He will be healing in response to sickness, comfort for your grief, and strength for your weakness. He will be a song in your silence and love in your loneliness. He will be the answer to what ails you. There is still joy! There is still peace! There is still God! Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.” (Ps. 24:7-8 NKJV)

Who is this King of Glory? He’s the answer…


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