Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's a new day!

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! Today, I don’t have a formal topic or word, I just have what God put in my spirit. It ministered to me before it ever hit this blog. I pray that you are encouraged but mostly that you are spurred into action!

Welcome to your new day! This is the day of victory in your mind and in your spirit! This is the day that you step out on faith and walk on water. This is the day that you find your voice and speak your truth. This is the day that you look at what was and declare that it doesn’t compare to what will be. This is the day of reckoning! This is the day that the enemy must be called to account for his actions. He must make retribution for what he has done. No longer can he keep your peace, your joy, or your freedom. No longer can he control your mind or your forward progress. This is the day that you take back what he has stolen. It’s a new day! Do you understand? This is a new day!

It is time to make some decisions about who you will be and your decision is not contingent on people or opinions. God has some mighty things for you to do and it’s time out for inaction based on other people. It’s time out for not walking in your truth because it will make someone else uncomfortable. It’s time out for missing God because you’re keeping up with people. It’s time out for frustration with your assignments because people won’t get in order. It’s a new day!

How much longer will you live like one who has no hope? How much longer will you be satisfied with the status quo? How much longer will almost be good enough? Today is the day of decision. Today is when you say that you will live. Today is when you say you will be victorious. Today is when you start your book, record your song, do your business plan. Today is the day you call your sister, forgive your father, renew your covenant with your husband. Today is the day of action! It’s a new day!

I leave you with the words of Zacharias when his voice was restored after John the Baptist’s birth.

All this will flow from the kind and compassionate mercy of our God.

A new day is dawning:
        the Sunrise from the heavens will break through in our darkness,
79     And those who huddle in night,
        those who sit in the shadow of death,
    Will be able to rise and walk in the light,[g]
        guided in the pathway of peace.
(Luke 1:78-79, VOICE)

This is a new day! I pray that you walk in it…AMEN

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