Friday, September 30, 2016

Go time!

It’s been a crazy day and I'm super late getting Rhema out but I couldn't let this month end without a post! So here goes, straight to the point! God said to me, it's GO time! Time to move from just dreaming about the vision and put some legs to it. It's time to stop saying what should or could happen and start doing. It's time to stop being content with just walking around carrying weight and instead push your purpose out. Are you ready? It's go time!

One of the scariest but most exciting times I have ever experienced was when I went into labor with my first child. Although, I was terrified at the thought of the pain of labor, I knew that my baby was on the other side of the pain. I knew that I would have to go through whatever it took to get to see the precious gift that I had been waiting all of those months for. And so it is with you! God has been building and preparing you for this moment. He's been speaking to your heart and developing a desire to see what you've been praying for so that when it’s time to push, you aren't afraid. He wants you to know today that the pain will all be worth it when you see what He has been doing. It's go time!

So here you are! Feeling the urge to push and not sure what to do? Well, rest assured that God is with you! He is in the delivery room serving in every capacity – coach, father,and doctor. He is the one encouraging you to stay calm and trust the process. He is the one telling you when to push so that you will stay on schedule. He is the one holding your hand and saying it will be alright. You see, though God wants you to be all that He has called you to be, He doesn't want you to be hurt. He doesn't want you to be premature with your delivery and risk death or struggle. He wants you to trust Him and His timing. It's go time!

Before I go, let me say this! Sometimes it can be easy to take yourself off the hook when you don't think something applies to you. If God has been talking to you about doing more in ministry, it's go time! If He has been talking to you about being a light in your family, it's go time! If he has been saying, start your book, visit that church, go back to school, it's go time! Don't miss what God is saying because I didn't name your particular issue or situation. It's time to move! “For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard. Then God will bless you for doing it." (James 1:23-25 NLT)

It's go time, Saints! There's purpose, destiny, peace, and breakthrough coming forth aynd you don't want to miss it!


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