Thursday, September 22, 2016

Get out of the way!

“I like small and intimate!” “I’m not going to tell anyone what I’m doing so maybe it will just be a few people” “I love writing Rhema because it’s just me and God.” Those are some of the things that I said to myself and other people as I attempted to control what “my baby” would look like. I said, hoped for, and even prayed for what I was comfortable with. Notice that I didn’t say that God said that was how it should be. Nope…it was all me! The confessions of a control freak…sigh! Anyone else out there guilty of telling God what you would and wouldn’t do? It’s okay, you can admit it. Well, today the Lord had something for all of the control freaks out there.  Ready? Stop trying to control what He is preparing. You aren’t in charge of the manifestation but you are in charge of the gestation period. What are you doing with it?  Get out of the way!

Gestation is the process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth. It’s the development of something over a period of time. I guess you would say that it’s the more technical term for pregnancy. As the one carrying that vision, that plan, that idea to delivery, you are responsible for what you feed it, the environment that you allow it to grow in and the protection that you give it. So many of you are like me, in that you want to know every little thing that is happening, in hopes that you can avoid the unknown. But God is using this time not just for your vision but also for you. He’s healing your heart so that you have the ability to love and care for what He’s given you. He’s strengthening your core so that you have the endurance to make it through the pains that will inevitably come. He’s expanding you so that you have the capacity to grow what He’s prepared. Stop trying to control the outcome and instead take advantage of this time that He is given you.

So here’s the thing: delivery is coming! Just because you can’t control it, doesn’t mean that it’s not coming. A lot of you are at a stage in your life where God is asking you to do some things that are uncomfortable. He is stretching you and calling you outside of your comfort zone. He has given some very clear directives but you are having a hard time turning those instructions into action. Well it’s time for that to change. It’s time for you to move out of God’s way and let Him take you into manifestation. All He needs from you is your yes and your obedience. You don’t have to be afraid of the next step, you just need to be open to it.

I know that some of you are tired of this birthing theme but God won’t let me leave it alone. He is so serious about you moving through gestation and into delivery. He keeps showing me how valuable the whole process is to your victory and breakthrough. It’s a whole lesson on releasing control and depending on Him for everything. What would happen if you focused in on what God was doing during this gestation period instead of running away from it or trying to control it? What would happen if you used this time to simplify the other areas in your life so that you have the time and focus to do what He is calling you to do? Come on, saints! Get out of the way and watch God bring everything He has shown you to pass…


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