Thursday, September 8, 2016

Turn, baby, turn!

Happy September, Rhema readers! It’s a new month and it’s time to move! I was on Prophetess Nakia Davis’ conference call on Saturday and she reminded me that it is the 9th month… birthing month. Time to push out those things that God has been preparing in you! After the call, the idea of birthing out stayed with me. It spurred me to action because I started to think about what God has been saying to me for years that I just plain refused to pursue. So I made up in my mind that day and declared that I am ready for labor. How about you? What have you been sitting on? What have you been avoiding? What have you allowed to become overdue? Whew! It’s birth month! So it was interesting to me when God spoke to me on the track yesterday and said, “Be careful of the breech”. Sounded deep to me and I struggled with it all day about what I was supposed to do with that. Then I realized that He was talking to me about positioning. So here’s the question! Do you need to turn your baby?

Most babies will move into delivery position (head down) a few weeks before birth. They are preparing for their big entrance into the world. However, in 3-5% of deliveries, the babies are breech. When a baby is breech, its body is positioned in way that its bottom or feet will be delivered first. This is not the most ideal position for labor and can make a traditional birth difficult or even impossible, resulting in a C-section. So y’all know that I was on the track looking around, wondering what in the world I was supposed to do with all of this information. I looked up some of the reasons how a baby could end up in breech and the majority were about the environment in which the baby developed in. Size and shape of the uterus, location of the placenta, even how much amniotic fluid can all contribute to what position the baby presents in. Then the Lord began to talk to me about the importance of conditions and positioning. Do you need to turn your baby?

He said there are some things that a mother cannot control about their pregnancy. However, there are some things that can and that’s what He said was important. Look at what God has been growing in you. Have you prepared the right environment for that baby to develop well? Have you been feeding your spirit with healthy foods? Have you been drinking of the living water? Have you been exercising your spirit with worship and praise? Have you been creating an environment that is conducive to good positioning? You see, you can also create an environment that is not. Smoking and excess weight gain can both increase the likelihood of a breech baby. What are you allowing to clog up your thinking and limit your vision? What extra baggage are you carrying that is slowing your progress? God wants the conditions right so that your labor can be smooth. Do you need to turn your baby?

You see, some babies will turn themselves but others need help. A doctor can perform a procedure where he/she pushes the baby into the head down position using firm but gentle pressure. There are even things that the mother can do. What is your point, Ebony? God wants your purpose, your ministry, your victory to be positioned for success. He wants the environment prepared for good positioning. He wants your spirit ready to birth out what He has been growing in you. Some of you will need the help of a spiritual midwife and some of you are prepared to do the necessary turning. Remember, labor is not easy! It’s called labor for a reason because it’s work. It’s going to require some sweat and tears, some stretching and some pain but in the end, you will have results. If your baby is in the right position, it certainly makes the labor easier. Come on, you’re getting close now! If your baby is out of position, start turning it. Start changing the environment that your baby is developing in. Make sure you are preparing so that when it’s time for the birth, it’s starting from the right position.



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