Thursday, September 7, 2017

Under control...

I am in Florida this week for a family vacation. Hurricane Irma also seemingly has plans to come to Florida and she is not a welcome guest. As I have been watching the coverage surrounding this impending storm and the damage left behind by Hurricane Harvey, I’ve been thinking a lot about the storms that we face in life. Like in nature, there are those quick storms that pop up and end quickly. Then there are those big ones like Irma that we see coming and have to prepare for the potential fallout and damage. The Lord told me something very simple today and I pray that it resonates with you. He said, I control the storm.

Some of you may cringe at a statement like that. I know I felt a  little prick in my heart! How can God be in control when these catastrophic storms come our way? God sent me to Psalm 107:29 – 30 for the answer. “He hushed the storm to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea were still. Then they were glad because of the calm, And He guided them to their desired haven (harbor).”(Ps 107:29-30‬ ‭AMP‬‬) Here’s the thing! God wants you to understand that there is nothing that comes your way that He can’t handle. He can turn the strongest storm to a whisper. Whether it’s the buildup,  the impact, or the debris,  He can speak to it and bring it down to size. And when it’s all over, you will know that He has brought you through.

It may almost seem that I am making light of the storms in your life by writing so little. In actuality, I am showing you how little you have to do in the face of all of these storms. Your main responsibility is to trust in the God who controls it. Jesus spoke a three word phrase, “Peace, be still” to the storm in Mark 4:39 and the winds and the waves had to obey. In Matthew 8:26, He rebuked the storm and there was peace. You see, no matter how loud, how much pressure or how threatening, He is present and He is in control. He is not afraid and He is not taken by surprise!

Stand firm, prepare as He says and watch Him handle the storm!


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