Thursday, September 28, 2017

Here's my worship...

My mind has been all over the place this week! I have talked to people going through so many different things in life and struggled to find the words to comfort them. I lost one of my youngest first cousins at 22 years old and I have struggled to find the words to describe my feelings. I have seen people hurt by church folk and I have struggled to respond with my spirit and not flesh. God, how do I write this week when struggle seems to be all around? How do I give You what I know You deserve when all I have today is struggle? Then I heard this sweet melody in my spirit and I began to sing, “Here’s my worship.” How about you? Look at the last week or so and see if you can hear a worship…

People won’t do right…here’s my worship!
Money looks funny…here’s my worship!
Tired and weary…here’s my worship!
Been waiting for a long time…here’s my worship!
Just don’t know how you’re going to make it…here’s my worship!
Relationship is taking more than it’s giving…here’s my worship!
You see, The Lord let me know that worship was the answer. He sent me to Luke 4:8 and I found something so interesting. Most of the translations I looked at said something along these lines, “For it is written, you shall worship the Lord and only Him.” But the New King James Version (my favorite!) added something that I believe is important this morning. It reads, “And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ (Luke 4:8 NKJV) I took this as a reminder that the enemy wants your worship. He wants you to struggle and give in to that place of isolation and sadness but the Lord has sent a word to you today. Tell the enemy to get behind you! Tell him that your worship goes to the Lord and Him only. That means that your time, your attention, your focus goes to the Lord alone. Isn’t that what worship is?

If the enemy has tried to put a whole lot of other things in front of you this week, I challenge you to turn your back on the foolishness, put your eyes on the Father and sing, “Here’s my worship!” You see, it is so important that you remember Who alone is deserving of all the attention that you have given to that person, situation or place. Jesus had been fasting for 40 days so I think He can relate to struggle. However, before He gave that Word, He made sure the enemy knew that his power did not go ahead of the Word. His tricks and his schemes could not change what the Word says. Will you remember the power of your worship today? It can break yokes and change situations. Here’s my worship, Lord…


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