Friday, September 1, 2017

Lessons from my miss!

For the first time in over 6 years, I didn't post Rhema on Thursday. The truth is my day was crazy and it completely slipped my mind. I woke up this morning and realized what had happened and felt my heart sink. How could I forget? How could I not complete my assignment? What are people going to say? All of these questions played in my head on a loop for several minutes. After a while I realized that I had been letting Ebony's voice speak pretty loudly but I wasn't getting anywhere. So I stopped and just listened and I heard it. The Lord said to me, "Now you move forward..."

Listen! Life happens to all of us. We will inevitably miss a meeting or an appointment. We will fail a test. We will lose some friends. We will even disappoint God with our choices. But can I let you in on something? God doesn't sit down in our failures and misses. He continues to operate and work in the plan that He has set before us. Romans 8:28 says, "All things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." (NKJV) It doesn't say those things that Ebony gets right will work together for the good. Nope! It says ALL things. But it also doesn't say that all things will work on your timeline. What it does say is that you have a God that takes care of His kids. It does say that He responds to relationship and honors it by making sure that whatever you go through will work for your good.

Some of you may be saying, what's the big deal? So you missed a week, so what? My response to that is I will be available to chat when it happens to you. You see, when God has given you an assignment or shown you a vision and you don't fulfill it or it doesn't work the way you expect, it shakes you. It can take people months, even years to recover. But the Lord reminded me this morning that His plan is not contingent upon what you or I do. His plan goes forth regardless! Why? First of all, He has already accounted for our free will. But mostly because He is too forward thinking to be caught by surprise by your ups and downs. If He was, Kingdom work wouldn't go forth, when the pastor is sick or the outreach team is on vacation. He showed me 3 scriptures that I want to leave you with. 

Jeremiah 29:11 - “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (MSG)
No matter what your natural mind says or the opinion of people or the enemy, God has a plan for you that is filled with Him and your next looks good!

Proverbs 19:21 - “We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but GOD ’s purpose prevails.” (MSG‬‬) You can come up with every plan B and option 2 in the book but God's purpose for your life is going to go forth. That's why a miss or failure can't be allowed to take you out. He's already seen the end result!

Jeremiah 1:5 - “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that’s what I had in mind for you.”(MSG‬‬)
Doesn't this give you comfort? Before you planned your life out at age 9, before you got that divorce, before you lost that job, before you missed that assignment, God knew you. He knew all about you and He made a plan for you to impact the Kingdom. He had you and your life on His mind. Trust me, He's got this!

So that's it! Keep moving forward, man of God! Don't quit, woman of God! Your miss is another powerful line in your testimony of how God took the mess that was you and produced victory. Rhema will survive one Friday post, as will I! And guess what? You will survive too! Love you...


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