Thursday, March 2, 2017

Bye Bye Routine!

I’ve been struggling for almost 2 hours about what to write today. I thought it was one thing and I’ve been going back and forth with it for a while to no avail.  I finally just realized that God is not allowing me to function like I always have anymore. He’s not letting me stick to my routine anymore and I have to accept it. I believe His word to you is the same thing. It’s time to tear up the list!

Okay! Don’t fall out. I’m not telling you to not plan or even have a process. What I am telling you is that these are not familiar times and what has always worked is not going to work anymore. You have to be willing to step away from your comfort zone and walk in obedience. Your obedience may not have a bulleted list with steps for every level. Your obedience might be one word – YES, GO, STAY, STOP, MOVE. Has anybody been hearing some word answers from God lately? Well, I want to encourage you to do what God says no matter what it looks or feels like. I’m sorry to tell you that your comfort is not the pre-requisite for your breakthrough. Nope, the only requirement is your obedience. Soooo…will you trust Him with your process? Will you stop losing ground and time because your checklist doesn’t allow for a bold move? Will you shake off the fear of what’s next and trust that God is leading you? Read what the Lord is saying to your fear…

I will escort the blind down roads they do not know, guide them down paths they’ve never seen.
    I will smooth their passage and light their way. I will indeed do it—they are abandoned no more.
(Is. 42:16, VOICE)

God has showed me time and time again in recent months that freedom comes with obedience. It doesn’t come from crying, or rehashing or therapy. It comes when you make a decision that you are going to do what God says regardless of what people are going to say about it. So come on, let’s get to it! Pray for the strength to stand in the unfamiliar and then do it. You are not in this thing by yourself! Take that routine that has turned into ritual and put it aside. Take that tradition that has turned into a trap and move forward. Take that checklist that has turned into a crutch and do something different. Don’t you get left behind because you’re scared. Why? Because that’s the devil and you’re allowing him to keep you bound. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells me that God did not give you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Ready? Turn off that GPS…God is leading the way!


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