Thursday, February 23, 2017


This morning the Lord just told me to write what He says as He says it. I’m sorry in advance if this feels piecemeal or choppy. I’m way outside of my comfort zone with this one but I’m going to be obedient because He is taking me somewhere and I’ve decided that I’m going with Him. So here goes…

Believe what God has shown you and move. Stop asking yourself how and why and simply obey what He has said. Some of you are so caught up in the opinion of man that you are behind by 10 years. Your business should already be in place. The book should already be written and your family should already be saved. God said stop being afraid of what “they” will say and worry more with what He is saying. It’s time to separate from the old things that have held you back and push forward into your new season. It’s time to take the bull by the horns as the old saying goes and do whatever your “it” is. For some of you, it’s going back to school. God said to stop making excuses about not getting into one program. Find another one! For some of you, it’s starting a business or stepping out on your own. He said stop talking about how much it will cost and ask Him for the provision. You’ve been so focused on what you don’t have that you haven’t asked God to show you the stream of resource.

This is the year that God wants to bring dreams into reality but He won’t go past your free will. He won’t do what you aren’t believing is possible. All He is waiting for is your yes. You see your yes is just the beginning. Once you say it, He will take it and transform it in to fruit. He will take it and move it into breakthrough and deliverance. He said all He is waiting on is you! So what are you going to do with that? Are you going to move forward? Are you going to stop using your age or station in life to dictate where you are going next? Are you going to continue to limit God to your neighborhood and your church? Are you going to hold the word you got last year close to your heart but not move in it? What are you going to do?

My challenge to you today is to stand up and move. You don’t have time to waste anymore because people are waiting on your action. People are waiting for you to get over yourself and do what He is calling you to do. That daycare that you’ve been envisioning for single mothers is not going to get done if you haven’t been working on your certifications and preparing your house for the first baby.  That building is not going to manifest if you haven’t been walking the grounds and saving the money for the first payment. That job isn’t going to find itself. You have to be open to what God wants to do and also have a resume ready. Come on now! It’s time to move. It’s time to act. It’s time to stop making excuses about what happened the last time you tried. It’s time to stop hanging with those folks that are holding you back. It’s time to TRUST and OBEY.

God, I thank you for whoever is reading this post. I thank you that you have great plans for their life and are just waiting for their yes. I thank You that we can’t even imagine Your best because its beyond anything we have seen. I thank you that because you are the Great I AM, every request can be handled. Clear our hearts, focus our vision, strengthen our spirits to press forward and move in obedience. Thank You in advance. In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray…AMEN.

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