Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

I'm so sorry! I really wish I had something encouraging to open up with but I don't. The frustration and the struggle and the weariness of the day has combined to leave me with nothing. Nothing to share, nothing to say, and nothing to give. I'm just tired. Weary. Spent. So…you may be wondering why I'm on here telling you this, especially if I don't have anything to say. Great question! I just looked at God with the “I’m waiting too” look. Here's what He told me…ready?

There's still tomorrow.

Yep…that's what He said! And as much as I didn't want to hear it, my spirit straightened up. He showed me that some of you have been trapped in a moment for so long that tomorrow doesn't seem possible. You are stuck at the point of impact – when he cheated, when she betrayed you, when they abandoned you. You have replayed that moment over and over again until it makes sense to stay there…mad, hurt, frustrated. It's so much simpler to stay stuck on what was than it is to examine what is and leave it for what can be. Deep, huh? I know, but in order for you to be who God called you to be, you've got to be jerked out of neutral. It’s time to start moving towards your tomorrow.

You have a choice right now to leave the emotion and the struggle of your yesterday and today and prepare for your tomorrow. This is absolutely not easy but it's necessary for your healing and your growth. It’s completely up to you what you allow to hold you bound and affect how you see what's ahead of you.  You don't have to carry the anger of yesterday anymore. You no longer have to wrestle with the pain of yesterday. You just have to make a decision that your tomorrow is worth it.

As I was closing, The Lord led me to one of my favorite scriptures, Matthew 6:34, and for a minute, I really struggled with the message of this verse.  It sounds like the complete opposite of what I thought God’s point was.“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ ‭NLT‬‬) At first read, all I could see was the part about not worrying about tomorrow.  But then I remembered what God had said to me earlier about tomorrow and things started to make sense. Whether you want to stay stuck or move forward, tomorrow is still there. Sure, according to the verse, tomorrow is waiting with its own troubles. But the key is that it's there. Tomorrow is right there. Your next step is right there. Your destiny is right there. You just have to make the decision that you are ready to tackle the new things that come with taking that step.  Easy isn't promised! Fun isn't promised!  But no matter how challenging the struggle is today,  there is still tomorrow.


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