Thursday, March 16, 2017

Throwing salt in the game!

This morning I was on a prayer call and the speaker talked about 2 Kings 2: 19-22. It’s the account of Elisha’s first miracles after he received Elijah’s mantle. It blessed me and I haven’t been able to shake it since. As I was preparing for Rhema, the Lord led me to look over it again. I don’t even normally listen to any other devotions on Thursdays before I write so that I don’t get confused between what God is saying and what someone else is saying. But this scripture grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let me go. So you’re going to have to go with me.

One day the leaders of the town of Jericho visited Elisha. “We have a problem, my lord,” they told him. “This town is located in pleasant surroundings, as you can see. But the water is bad, and the land is unproductive.” Elisha said, “Bring me a new bowl with salt in it.” So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the spring that supplied the town with water and threw the salt into it. (2 Kings 2:19-21a, NLT)

As I read it again, I heard the Lord say, “It’s time to re-salt the waters!” Ladies and gentleman, God is not playing. He is calling His people to be accountable for what He has assigned and instructed. You are no longer going to be allowed to stay comfortable in tradition and religion. You’re going to have to come out of some familiar places and walk in boldness. He has placed some of you in positions to affect change and He expects you to do it.

Look at the scripture. It hasn’t been long at this point since Elijah was taken up to heaven and Elisha is in Jericho when the leaders come to him with a problem. They tell him that their town is in a nice place but the water is bad and the land is unproductive. What do you do when it looks good but there’s no life in it? Come on! God is trying to pull some of you out of your comfortable place. You’ve been in places and been with people that you know are dead and unfruitful for a long time but you haven’t done anything about it. You’ve stayed there looking at barrenness instead of dealing with the issues. If you are in a situation that looks pretty but is dead, it’s time to re-salt the waters.  He’s trying to show you that while you are in position, He’s calling you to assess the situation and then make moves to fix it. Your friend, your co-worker, your church can look good all day long but if there’s no life in it and there’s no fruit, what are you accomplishing by letting the infertility continue? This is the point where God really started to deal with me. He said it’s time for you to stop allowing folks that you love to live in a barren place. Stop going along with foolishness because they sound good. Stop enabling mess because their family is influential. Stop playing games with the devil because you don’t want to hurt somebody’s feelings. These leaders looked at their town and spoke truth - “It’s a beautiful place but there is no life here!” Do you see that?

What Elisha does is at the heart of what God is saying this morning. He asked them to go get a new bowl with salt in it. He asked THEM to go get a new bowl. They had the problem and they were responsible for being a part of the deliverance. You have been placed in position to change the game! You have the calling and the anointing to break traditions and tear down strongholds but you aren’t doing it. Why not? You can’t keep expecting your pastor, your parents, your best friend to do what God is telling you to do. You can’t expect change if you put all of the responsibility on someone else. You need to ask God what YOU need to do in order for the situation that you see to change. I’m not saying you do God’s work but you ask Him what your role is and watch what He does. Elisha went to the source of the problem and threw the salt into it and God responded. What would happen if you looked that problem dead in the face and said the Lord is here now? What would happen if you looked that Jezebel spirit in the face and said, things will change today? What would happen if you actually handed the issue over to the Lord with an expectation that He can fix it? Here’s what happens…

And he said, “This is what the Lord says: I have purified this water. It will no longer cause death or infertility.”  And the water has remained pure ever since, just as Elisha said. (2 Kings 21b – 22, NLT)

God changed the whole landscape of that town. He changed the water and land from dead and unproductive to fresh and pure. Where there is fresh water, animals will live, plants will grow, people will be healthy. He reversed the curse of that town and made the appearance line up with the reality. Don’t you want what you see on the outside to be consistent with the entire makeup? There are people dependent upon you to take a stand and tell hell no. They are waiting on you to actually be the minister, the evangelist, the woman of God, the man of God, the father, the mother, the auntie that He is calling you to be. It’s time to stop letting death and infertility reign and re-salt the water. When you do, God will bring about a healing that is long lasting and complete. Come on, saints! You have an assignment to complete. Go get that bowl!


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