Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hold fast!

For several years, I have been pressing my way despite some pretty significant financial challenges. God has been so faithful and has always made sure I knew that He was with me. He gave me an awesome family and support system but there were days that I wanted to give up and say never mind to this faith thing. There were times that I took my eyes off of God and looked at my natural circumstances, and fear would rise up. But He would send me a word of encouragement or someone to bless me or love on me. He was always faithful to me but the process has been long and hard. Today, I want to talk to the person that is looking at their situation and wondering when it will end. The one who has stayed with that husband, praying that he would line up with the word someday. The one who has kept giving, even though their bank account said keep it. The one that has kept serving, even though their efforts haven’t been appreciated by man. God said to tell you to hold fast because He has not forgotten!

The Lord immediately sent me to Hebrews 10:23 and said simply to share it with you.

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. (Heb. 10:23, NLT)

Friend, God is a promise keeper. If He told you that your whole family would be saved, count it done. If He told you that you would experience breakthrough in your finances, expect it to be so. If He told you that your ministry would be fruitful, watch it come to pass. God doesn’t say things just to tear your nerves up. Nope! He has a purpose and a plan and when He says something and it has to accomplish what it was sent out to do. That’s a promise! I want to encourage you today to hold fast to His promises concerning your life. He can be trusted to follow through! I know that it gets hard and sometimes the idea of not wavering becomes more and more challenging but hold fast. Don’t give up and don’t give in. God is working on your behalf and it’s for your good. Do you believe it? You must! Your need doesn’t move God but your faith does!

Today, I encourage you to be like some of the great examples of faith in the bible. What did Christ say to them?

To the woman with the issue of blood: Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment.(Matt. 9:22, NLT)

To the Roman officer: “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” And when the officer’s friends returned to his house, they found the slave completely healed. (Luke 7:9b-10 NLT)

Family, hold fast to your faith and who you know God to be. He is working on your behalf and responding to the demand that you have put on His word. I believe today that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I believe that you will feel a renewed strength and confidence in Him TODAY. I believe that you will see what you have been praying for. It’s working for your good, woman of God. It’s coming together for you, man of God. Hold fast! You serve the God that follows through!


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