Thursday, February 2, 2017

It's time for action. It's time to move.

I have something really simple to share with you today from the Lord. Ready? Here it is. Less talk and more action! That’s it…that’s what He told me. Too many people are talking about what God has told them to do but not taking any steps toward bringing anything to pass. God didn’t give you that assignment to hold and babysit. Nope! He gave it to you so that you could be His feet and hands. He gave it to you so that you could bring Him glory through your obedience. The world is steadily dying and some could be saved, if you would answer the call. Someone on the verge of committing suicide would put the gun down, if you ministered to the veterans like God told you to. Someone would make a better choice for their children, if you would tell your testimony to single parents as God instructed. Someone would know that they can make it, if you would write your book. Do you see what I’m saying? Singing “You Deserve It” and shouting doesn’t accomplish anything outside of a good praise, if you aren’t willing to use your life to give Him the glory and praise that you are singing about. It’s time for action. It’s time to move.

Psalm 144:1 says, “Blessed be the Eternal, my rock. He trains my hands for war, gives me the skills I need for battle.” (VOICE) Hmmmmm…that’s a pretty powerful statement that David made. It’s a call to action and a battle cry. It’s giving you a clue about what you need to be doing. You see, if God intended for you to just float through life without action, would He equip you with battle skills? Would He give you the full armor to protect you in spiritual warfare? My guess would be no. And I don’t believe this is about personality. While David was certainly a man of war, I believe this word is just as relevant to the person that prays in their closet or is introverted. You have been equipped to war whether it is out in the world or tucked safely in your room.  You see, there is a real burden on my heart for action in 2017. I believe that God is challenging His people, me included, to stop saying what could be done and actually do something. He is calling for obedience and trust, even in the face of uncertainty. It’s time for action. It’s time to move.

Let me say this one last thing before I close. As I was writing this entry, God showed me a vision. In the vision, He gave me the plans for a house. It was a beautiful house, with multiple floors and space for gardens and a pool and just about anything else that you could think of. He said, “Everything you need to build this house is available – money, crew, materials and land. All you have to do is take the plans and build it.” I couldn’t believe it and stood looking at the plans. I put them away on the shelf and promised to come back to them once I was really ready to build. I had a lot going on and didn’t think I could commit the time or energy to it at the moment. It seemed like years passed in the vision and I came back to get the plans. As I was reaching for them, I saw God pass the plans to someone else and they were eager to get started. I watched the person run off with the plans to my house. I heard the Lord say that His plan will come to pass, whether we get on board or not.

Don’t let your house be built by someone else because you have been finding excuses. Don’t let your dream sit in your journal one more day without making a move. Don’t let fear or circumstance stop your progress anymore. God's will and purpose will be done whether we want to participate or not. Don't miss your window. Today is your starting day!  It’s time for action. It’s time to move.


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