Thursday, February 16, 2017

You HAVE to finish!

If you have ever been around me before a trip, or you know that I'm horrible about packing. No matter how much notice you give me, I will still pack the night before. Y’all pray for me! This trip was no different except for the added responsibility of packing for the girls too. Help, Lord! Needless to say, it was a struggle and I got very little sleep. I barely made it, Saints! But I am happy to report that I made it to the airport and to my destination. There were a couple of times during the night that I wanted to give up on the packing and just lay down but I knew that other people were depending on me to finish what I had to do. So later after I reached my destination, I asked the Lord what He would have me to share with you. He reminded me of my troubles during the night and said, “keep pressing because someone is waiting on you to get to your destination.”

I just want to encourage those of you that have faced a lot of opposition in your life recently. It could be in your family, on your job, even in your church. God has purpose for your life and you need to get to it. Don't let what anyone else is doing stop you from walking out your assignment. Don't let fatigue keep you from finishing your assignments. 2017 is a year that you are going to have put your shoulders back and press or fight through whatever comes your way. You have way too much to do to stop. You will want to cry, scream and ask why but you cannot stop! Why? Because someone is waiting on your pass the test. Someone’s life depends on your yes. Someone needs to hear your testimony in order to move forward.

Can I just be transparent for a minute? I've had plenty of times in the last 8 or 9 years that I wanted to go somewhere and live by myself. A hermit!  I was tired of people and their mess. I was tired of being held accountable while others lived however they wanted. I was tired of losing things and struggling. I was tired of attacks. But one day, God told me that I had people that He had assigned to me. People that I had to mentor and pour into and I was selfish if I gave up on what He told me to do. It hurt my feelings but it woke me up. This journey that I have been on is not all about me. There are people that are waiting for me to get to where I'm going and people that need to watch my process. I say the same to you!

Woman of a God, stop hiding behind tradition and routine, and be who God has called you to be. Man of God, stop letting labels hold you in bondage and walk in your truth. It's time out for letting the opposition cause us to quit or be quiet. It's time to press! It's time to fight! It's time to win. So get up, brush yourself off, and get going! Somebody is waiting on you to finish…

“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal in us later.” (Rom 8:18 MSG)


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