Thursday, March 22, 2012

There IS a Word from the LORD!

Have you ever been in a dry place and you knew that if you could just get a Word from the Lord, everything would be alright? Have you been faced with a storm or a trial or a circumstance and no one else would do…you needed to hear directly from God? After I woke up this morning, I clearly heard the phrase, “There is a Word from the Lord!” I felt an immediate jump in my spirit because it was a confirmation and answer to many of my recent prayers.  

 You know, sometimes, we think when God doesn’t move immediately that He isn’t present. Or in those times when we pray and the answer is not instant that He is saying “No”. I’ve gotten myself into plenty of trouble by interceding on my own behalf instead of waiting on a Word from God. Isn’t it funny how we think that our fast result will equal or trump God’s timely response? We often can be heard quoting, “He may not come when you want Him but He’ll be there right on time!” But do we really believe it? It sounds like just a good lyric to some but it’s the truth.

 Habakkuk 2 is one of my favorite passages of scripture and has carried me through this particular time in my life. Habakkuk has laid some concerns out before the Lord in chapter 1. He isn’t cute with it or quiet, he comes boldly before God with questions about why there is so much violence and evil going unpunished. He wants understanding. They have a full conversation and Habakkuk says that he’s going to get in position and wait for a word from the Lord.  Well…God answers in verse 3 and I believe it’s so relevant for us now as we go through various battles! The Amplified Bible says, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.”  If God has told you something and you have grasped hold of it, wait on it! God does not lie and though it may not come on your schedule, it will come and it won’t disappoint!

We are often so busy trying to plot out our own lives that we don’t listen long enough to hear from the Lord. But He is saying that there is a Word. In Luke 11, Jesus does a lot of teaching about getting what you need from the Lord. He teaches the disciples to pray, to ask so that you can receive and about keeping your house clean of demons so that you don’t have to contend with a returning evil spirit. But right in the middle of the chapter in verse 28, He says something that sums this whole entry up. A woman tells Him that the woman who gave birth to him is blessed.   “Jesus replied, "That's true, but the people who are really blessed are the ones who hear and obey God's message!"

There is a Word from the Lord, friends! The question is “Are you listening?” God is always speaking and wanting to commune with us but if we never stop talking, how will we hear? If we never stop controlling, how will we hear? If we never stop analyzing, how will we hear? God wants to do mighty and wondrous things in each of our lives but even more, He wants to fellowship with us. In those tough times when we’re searching for answers, He wants to whisper the solution in your ear. In those chaotic times, He wants to speak peace into your spirit.  In those painful times, He wants to speak healing to your heart.  Are you willing to wait? For there IS a Word from the Lord!


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