Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jesus did what?!

Last night, I participated in a foot washing service at church. It was wonderful. What a humbling experience to put phobias, feelings, and foot judgment aside and follow Jesus’s example of humility and servitude! When I got home, I turned on the TV and there was a reenactment special about the days leading up to the crucifixion and they highlighted the Last Supper and the foot washing. As they showed the various events, I saw something that I had never really focused on before. Jesus washed Judas’s feet too! I literally sat up in my bed and took a huge breath. Wait a minute…I always focused on the fact that Jesus gave Judas the bread as the sign that he was the one who would betray him but I never really thought about the fact that he had to have had his feet washed too.

This really caused me to think and pray! I got my bible and began to read John 13 again. There are several references to the fact that Judas has already betrayed Jesus. For instance, verse 2 says “The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus.”(NIV) Though Jesus mentions that not everyone is clean, it does not say anywhere that he didn’t wash his feet. Look at verses 10 -11, “Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.”  For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.”

Why would Jesus not only break bread with His betrayer but also serve him by washing his feet? My flesh was saying rather loudly that I couldn't have done that! “No way, it’s enough that Judas is even in the midst but now wash His feet?! Don’t think so!” Isn’t that how we do when confronted with an enemy in our midst? We turn our hearts and minds away from what the Lord requires of us and do what we want to do? I know I’m guilty of that! But wait…aren’t we then putting ourselves on the same level with them when we act ugly? I had to stop, examine myself and re-read. Jesus Christ didn’t go into the situation blind. He knew exactly who and what He was facing and He stayed true to what He had taught in Matthew 5:44 “…love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” He acknowledged that Judas would betray him and that he was unclean but He served him anyway.

As I strive to grow in the things of God, dealing with enemies or people that hurt or betray me is something that I am still working on. So I know that God highlighted this for me for a reason. If Jesus was able to humble himself before Judas, surely I can do it. Judas wasn’t just some outsider. He was in the inner circle so this is a betrayal that would have cut deep. But He did it anyway.  Jesus reminds us in verses 15-16 that He has set an example for us and that we should do for others as He has done for us. 

This entry won’t be for everyone. It’s not funny or light hearted or exciting. But if you are entering this resurrection season with the desire to leave old weights behind, this might be for you. If you no longer want to allow the enemy to pull you down to his level, this could be for you. Or if you are like me and don’t want to let past hurts hold you back any longer, this is for you. Jesus Christ gave us a powerful example of how humility wins. If we follow His example and always walk in humility no matter what the enemy confronts us with, we will win. Don’t believe me? Jesus finishes this teaching with a wonderful and powerful statement in verse 17. “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (NIV)

Be blessed…AMEN!

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