Thursday, March 8, 2012

Get focused!

You know…it’s amazing how life can get away from you sometimes. We are a society of movers and shakers. Always running here and there, multitasking, and planning. Sometimes, I am going so much that I forget to eat. I’ll look up and its 2:00 in the afternoon and I haven’t eaten lunch yet. This morning I was running around so much that I forgot to write my entry! I’ve been doing it every Thursday morning for 9 months but was so distracted with life that I had to be reminded. I immediately went into prayer and asked God’s forgiveness for losing my focus. God has given many of us assignments to do but we have let the world’s plans come first. This morning God is dealing with me on distractions!

Whenever I speak to a student about preparing for the LSAT (the entry exam for law school), I always tell them to take a least one practice exam in a place where they will be distracted. I tell them this so that when it comes time to take the actual test and something happens to distract them, they will be prepared and not lose focus. God has given us His Word so that we can gain power and preparation so that when the enemy throws darts at us, we won’t lose it and give up! He has allowed some things to happen in our lives so that we can learn to persevere in a storm. The enemy immediately put in my mind, “Well, it’s already 11:00…no need to do the entry this week, I’ll just do it next week.”  But the devil is the father of lies and deception and one of his greatest goals is to throw God’s people off course, especially when it comes to being a witness!

1 Corinthians 7:35 says “I’m saying this for your benefit, not to restrict you. I’m showing you how to live a noble life of devotion to the Lord without being distracted by other things.” (GW) This particular scripture is part of a chapter about marriage and how to maintain that sacred relationship but I think it’s a wonderful piece of advice as to what God wants of His people. We have to get our lives in order so that God is prioritized at the top of our list. How can you make the most out of your relationship with God if he comes AFTER your job, your family, and your life? If we put God first, the other things will line up!

I’m excited today that God keeps giving me chances to get it right! He has been teaching me daily about balance and order. It’s not an easy lesson to learn but results will come when your life lines up with the Word of God. When we allow distractions to take us off course, we are giving Satan an opening. That’s why 1 Peter 5:8 says Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (NLT) All he wants is for you to do is get distracted so he can overtake you. 

We must be like Jesus and be about the Father’s business! Let’s look at our lives and block the devil’s attempts to distract us! God is faithful to us so let’s be faithful to Him! Join me in putting distractions aside and focusing on the Lord. Especially during this Lenten season as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. It’s time to re-align our priority list, put distractions aside, and focus on doing the work of the Kingdom!

God bless…AMEN!

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