Thursday, January 24, 2019

Know your place!

This weekend I will be elevated in ministry. It is a move that did not come without a lot of prayer, questions, sacrifice and attack. But this week as I have been preparing, The Lord told me that my only responsibility in this, other than obedience, was to know my place. I sat on that for a while. Know my place? What does that even mean?! The Lord’s response is what I want to share with you today.

The definition of to know is to be aware of through observation, inquiry or information.The definition of place is a particular position or point in space, a portion of space available to or designated for or being used by someone. So if you put it together, it is a call to be aware of the position that has been designated for you based on information that you have received. Hmmmmm…Then the Lord showed me a scenario.

Imagine you are asked to give remarks at a big gala. You received an invitation and were told that you had a reserved seat with your name on it. You are dressed for the occasion, have your notes prepared, and are ready to go. However, when you arrive, you see some people that you know and they convince you to sit with them instead of going to your reserved seat. The event is moving along and you step out to use the restroom. While you are out, they call for you to give your remarks. They shine the spotlight on your reserved seat but it's empty so they assume you are not there and move on with the program. You come back inside only to realize that because you didn't take your reserved seat, you missed your opportunity to do what you had been invited there to do. You knew where your seat was but you did not take it.

I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NLT) ‬‬God called Jeremiah and He has called you for a purpose with some very specific assignments and callings that were planned before you were born. It's time to know what God has called you to and get to it. In this season of your life, you cannot afford to be distracted by people, circumstances, fear, or attention. You cannot continue to ignore, avoid or deny a position that has been designated for you. You must take the place that has been set aside for you so that you can carry out what has been assigned to you. There is purpose in that place and you do not want to miss the benefits or the souls that are associated with it. Come on! God doesn't do things for kicks and giggles! If He has said it, He is going to do it and use it for His glory. Are you ready to take your place?‬‬

Rise up! I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb. Come forth! The earth is waiting for what I put in you. Stand up! Your voice is needed in the Kingdom. Answer! Your name has been called. Don’t you dare miss your assignment because you are scared. Don’t you dare leave your place unclaimed because someone is uncomfortable with it. And PLEASE, don’t you dare downplay or doubt what the Lord has said about you. It’s time. Know your place!


1 comment:

Von said...

Amen!!! Excellent reminder. Thank you!