Thursday, January 31, 2019

But God...

Sorry for the late post today, folks! It’s been a crazy week and a pretty crazy day but God. Wow! My mind just stopped right there and wouldn’t let me go further. Have you ever had a “But God” moment? Have you ever thought about where you would be if it had not been for the Lord? Sounds like the beginning of a churchy moment but it is really just fact. So many times life and circumstance takes your focus and puts it squarely on them. You look at how hard your day was. How hard it was to make your rent or survive the diagnosis. How crazy people are on your job or how wild your family is. But if you really just stop and think…BUT GOD. Why? Because you’re still here! Why? Because you have a testimony to share! Why? Because you didn’t die in it! God was faithful to you even in the midst of all that life and circumstance tried to do.

You can actually find several scriptures in the Bible that include “but God” and they all tell the story about God showing up and working for the good of His child. I want to just leave you with 3 and hope that you can find yourself somewhere in them.

Genesis 50:20 - You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (NLT) Joseph was talking to his brothers about how God worked on his behalf despite their intentions. Has God covered you and trusted you with a struggle so that someone else could be free?
1 Kings 5:4 - But now the Lord my God has given me peace on every side; I have no enemies, and all is well. (NLT) Solomon had just become king and he was acknowledging that what his father hadn’t accomplished, he was able to. Has God ever taken you farther than anyone in your family has gone and delivered you from generational strongholds?
Psalm 73:26 - My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. (NLT) This is from a Psalm of Asaph, which means one who gathers together. He was a leader of David’s choir. However, the key here is that he reminds us that no matter what happens to our natural or even spiritual self, God is stronger. He is a present God and one that loves like no other.  Has God ever shown Himself strong in your life and reminded you that in your weakness, He is strong?

Listen, saints! Take a “But God” moment! Remind yourself that things in your life could have easily gone another way but God was right there fighting for you, loving you, protecting you, and showing up on your behalf. If you feel tired, weak or frustrated, remember that there is always a “but God” response coming.  Go in peace!


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