Thursday, September 27, 2018

Go with the shift!

Alright, you will have to roll with me on this one! As I was praying, I asked the Lord to show me what the people needed today. I felt like you need a “right where I am” kind of word. I know I do! So, as I was laying there, the Lord took me into a vision. I was standing in the middle of a grove of tall pine trees. As I looked up, I could see the top of the trees and the gray sky above it. All of a sudden, the trees started to rotate in a circle, almost as if I was on a carousel, except I wasn’t moving…just the trees. I literally started to get dizzy and my head hurting from staring in one spot while the background moved. It was disconcerting and intense. I asked the Lord why He was doing that and why it had to hurt. This is what He told me.

So many of my people have dug in to a position. They have decided that this is where they are supposed to be or where they are comfortable being. Meanwhile, I am trying to change their perspective. I’m trying to show them that though their environment hasn’t changed, the way they approach that place has. It’s time to go with the shift. It’s time to look beyond what comfort and tradition says and move with Me.

Whoa! Okay, God! So why did my head have to hurt? Why am I still (as I type) feeling the effects of dizziness? He again responded…

When you decide that it’s easier to stay in a place or a mindset when I’m trying to move you, you are working against my flow. Your equilibrium is off and therefore you are not able to function at the level of effectiveness at which I have called you to operate.

I’m sorry if this seems all over the place! I’m literally typing as He speaks to me. I had to stop and look up equilibrium so that I understood what the Lord was saying. Equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced; a state of physical balance; a calm state of mind. Saints! The Lord is speaking and moving and if you are fighting that, you are not going to be able to do what He has ordained you and called you to do. Stop staying in a place that God has shifted you out of. For some of you, it is a physical place but for some of you, it is a mindset. You cannot stay in bitterness and expect revival. You cannot stay in sadness and expect joy. It’s time to go with the flow of God. It’s time to respond to His challenge to move and grow.

When I was watching those trees move but not turning with them, it hurt my head because my mind and body were working at cross-purposes to what was happening around me. I was not moving with the shift. If I had turned with the trees, I would have been moving in the same direction, therefore balanced with the movement, and thus not been hurt.  I’m reminded of one of the few times the Israelites got it right and followed the Lord’s shift. In Exodus 40:33-35, the tabernacle was completed and the glory of the Lord filled it. Then comes verses 36-38. “Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out on their journey, following it.  But if the cloud did not rise, they remained where they were until it lifted. The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day, and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.(NLT) Do you see what happened? The people kept their eyes on God’s presence and movement. When He moved, they moved and when He did not move, they stayed still. When they followed His shift, they received instruction and progress.

Saints, look at your position and evaluate whether you are missing God because you have dug into an easy and comfortable place. If so, please move. You do not want to get hurt because He is trying to change your perspective and you are fighting it. Get up! Get out! Move! Do whatever He is saying because otherwise you will not only be ineffective but you will get hurt.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

From Him to you...

I have started and stopped Rhema 3 times this morning. It seemed like my mind just couldn’t pull together what my spirit was hearing. There has been so much happening this week and my flesh…Ebony…wanted to address all of them. I wanted to encourage those in the midst of storm recovery. I wanted to comfort those who have lost loved ones. I wanted to love on those going through transition. So much that I wanted to say but I couldn’t pull it together. It took me a good bit of time to realize why that was. And it’s simply this. The words of the Lord are enough. This is what He said to me today and told me to share. I hope it encourages you as it did me.

I am here. The same yesterday, today, and forever. Perfect strength in your weakness. Strong tower that you can run into. I am here. I will provide all that you need according to My riches and I will rebuke the devourer that comes to tell you otherwise. I am here. I see your questions and my answer is love. You see, nothing can separate you from Me - not trouble, not calamity, not persecution, not financial issues, not danger, not even death. Nope! You are victorious because you are Mine.  I am working everything out for your good because you are Mine. I’m casting out your fear because you are Mine.

You will recover from the storm because I am Jehovah Shammah, the Restorer. You will heal from the losses and do my will because I am Jehovah M’Kaddesh, the One who makes you whole. You will get back on your feet because I am Jehovah Jireh, the Provider. You will survive the battle because I am Jehovah Sabaoth, the One who fights for you and causes wars to cease. I am here. The same yesterday, today, and forever. I won’t change on you. I won’t fail or abandon you. No, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I will guide you through the shift. I will go ahead of you to your next assignment. Why? Because I called you to it. You didn’t choose Me. I chose you. And I did it early and completely. I equipped you with the strength, the power, and the gifts to finish. Trust Me to walk on water. Trust Me with your mustard seed. Trust Me with your past. I already know about it and I’m still going to use you.

Child of Mine, there is nothing impossible for me. There is no principality or spirit that can stand against the power of My name. I will not depression take you out. I will not let fear swallow you up. I will not disappointment or inadequacy speak louder than I do. You are My righteousness! You are the apple of My eye! You are the reason I got on that cross and got up again. You will be alright! Your family will be alright! Your ministry will be alright! How do I know? Simple! I’ve seen the end of your story. So, be strong and very courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For I am with you wherever you go.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Where is your sting?

Hey Rhema readers! I just wanted to jump on briefly to encourage you today that what you have lost does not outweigh what you have left. So many times, when things don’t go according to our plans, we go over where we went wrong, what we missed, and why we didn’t do A, B, and C. We torture ourselves with what ifs and why nots when God really wants us to ask about the lessons. Listen to me clearly on this good Thursday! God is in this thing with you. He is supplying wisdom and strategy. He is providing clarity and tools. He is even wiping tears and standing you back up. If you are willing to walk this thing out, you will find that the timing is perfect. You will even see that nothing was wasted but rather used for your edification and growth.

Can I just encourage you today to look at your life as it is right now and celebrate what God is doing? Will you change your perspective and focus on what He is teaching you at this very moment instead of how far behind you think you are? The Lord kept repeating 1 Corinthians 15:55 over and over again in my head in prayer this morning and I didn’t get it. “Death is swallowed up in victory! O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” I mean, what does that have to do with anything you are saying, Lord? But as I am writing, I realized that He was telling me that what seemed to be the end, a loss, a death doesn’t have the power to take you out. Why? Because victory is greater! When the enemy says you failed, God says I’m using that failure to propel you forward. When people say you are not good enough, God says you are Mine and that’s more than the whole world against you. See what I’m saying? Let me say it clearly! You win! Disappointment says give up but victory is calling you forward.

I don’t know who this is for. This post is literally writing itself with each word that I type. But I feel the unction of the Holy Spirit to speak life to some struggling saints. I feel the power of God pushing me to call you out of your worry, confusion, and questions and into your victory! Death and loss cannot stand in the presence of God. Listen, this is not to say that you will not have “those days” but it is to tell you that your next is still around the corner. Your destiny and purpose was not forfeited because something in your plan didn’t work out. Nope, God is using everything for your good! Come on, saints! Let’s get back to planning, writing, dreaming, and believing. Victory already ate that death!


Thursday, September 6, 2018

It's in the plan!

Happy Thursday, Rhema readers! I’ve been grappling with the idea of purpose over the last week. How do you get there? Why is hard for some people to know what theirs is? Does it change? All of these questions as I have attempted to pray for people who are in process. The Lord gave me a simple but not so simple answer. He said, “It’s there.”

Listen, your circumstances are not equivalent with your purpose. The fact that you have had to fight for everything that you have or that your life has had lots of challenges, does not change your purpose. In actuality, those things contribute to your victory. They strengthen your conviction and your power. Why? Because everything that you have been through is being used for your good. Paul reminded us in Romans 8:28 when he said that “for those who love God, all things are working together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (ESV) You see? If you are saved and love the Lord, He is working everything for your good according to His purpose for your life. He is taking the hard stuff is using it for your good. He is taking the hurt and channeling it into growth. He is taking the losses and re-framing them as victories. How would your focus shift if you realized that God is still in control of your purpose despite where you are right now?

You see, the Lord does not do wasted creativity. When He created every single person and creature, He had a purpose for their creation. He had a plan and a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.(NLT) See?  He created you to do “good” through your relationship with Christ and it was planned beforehand. Today, I want you to grab hold of the fact that God put purpose in you and He expects it to come forth. It’s part of the plan! Just because you have gotten discouraged, frustrated and disappointed does not change who God made you to be. It is still in you! It is still planned for you. If you are still breathing, you still have an opportunity to walk out your purpose.

People of God, you are needed right now! You are a beautiful and necessary piece of a great, well designed puzzle. You know how it is, the puzzle can look beautiful but if there is one piece missing, it is incomplete. Don’t let the enemy trick you into thinking your piece is not needed. It is! Your writing is needed. Your voice is needed. Your survival is needed. Your words of encouragement are needed. Your hugs are needed. Your presence is needed. YOU ARE NEEDED! So let’s go! Step boldly out of your confusion and questions and walk into your purpose. Don’t let the enemy throw you off with a timeline or an age limit. Tell hell NO! Say, “Shut up, devil! My purpose does not expire.” Sing, minister, love, speak, overcome! Whatever God is calling you to…DO IT!  It’s part of the plan and the earth is waiting for it to come to pass.
