Thursday, June 28, 2018

Follow through!

It’s late but I wanted to share a quick though with you. A little over 2 years ago, I had a dream. It was early morning and it played like a movie. The Lord told me to write a job description and ask for a new position. He told me what I should ask for and how to do it. I was shocked! I asked a few people to tell me if I was crazy to put myself out there when I had a perfectly good job but the consensus was to go for it. So I went into work that day and started working on the proposal. I thought it was crazy but I went with it. Long story short, after a few months of waiting, I got what I asked for. I was nervous and uncomfortable but I pressed through the waiting. What’s my point? Today, I celebrated the successful completion of the 1st year of a grant funded program that was at the heart of my “dreamproposal”. I realIzed today that I had to step out in faith for the 22 young people that finished the program today. I had to be obedient because they needed someone in position to offer them an opportunity. I had to leave my comfortable place so they could have what seemed impossible for some.

Let me encourage you today! You may not understand why you have had to take the path you have or why your journey has had so many ups and downs. But I can tell you that someone will benefit because you overcame and kept pressing. Someone won’t have to suffer as long because you took the hits. What has been so challenging for you is going to be the foundation for someone else’s next level. Please don’t give up too quick! Please don’t cancel early and forfeit the promise! God is faithful and His plan accounts for your issues and setbacks. Be sure that you don’t leave someone hanging because you won’t answer the call. Don’t prolong their blessing because  There is purpose, there is victory, and there is surely reward in your obedience. You just have to trust Him with the follow through…


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