Thursday, June 14, 2018

Don't cut out too quick!

There have been many times in my life that I have asked the Lord, “why me?” Anyone else? Why did I have to fight that battle? Why did “they” have to do that to me, say that about me, treat me that way? Why did my marriage break up? Why did I never have a baby? Why have I struggled to find love? Why did I get sick? All of these questions on one side and yet on the other side, there was promise. You will affect nations. You will bring the Word to people. You will change lives. You will feed the hungry and clothe the naked. You are necessary for this place or that place. You have life in you. All of these things to balance in this life and often no direct answer or response to your questions. Over the last several weeks, the Lord has placed Psalm 105:16-22 in front me and I realized today that it was the answer.

Psalm 105 is a song about the experience of the Israelites. These particular verses are about Joseph and how his life impacted the story of God’s people. Right before Joseph is introduced, the psalm tells how the Lord sent famine to the land. “He ordered famine to grip the land and cut them off from their supply of bread.  But long before, He had sent a man ahead of them: Joseph, who had been sold into slavery.” (v.16 VOICE) Do you see that highlighted phrase – “but long before”? Well that is the intro to your answer. In His infinite wisdom, the Lord knew that famine would be needed and He had a person in mind that He would use to bring the provision in response to the lack. Ok…hold that in your spirit.

‘At first, his masters shackled his feet with chains,  placed his neck into a collar of iron. That was until the Eternal’s promises came to pass; His word tested Joseph and proved him worthy. (v. 17 -19) So the Lord then allowed Joseph to go through slavery and struggle so that he would be in position both physically and spiritually for that moment when His time would come. He allowed Joseph to go through times when His promise would be questioned.  He allowed him to be in bondage when He had told Him that He was the favorite. The Lord allowed Joseph to feel the heat of hurt so that He would be worthy of the glory. Do you see that? On the way to the promise, the Word tested Joseph but he was proved worthy! Come on, verse 19, speak to the people! Do not forsake the promise because you don’t want the testing. Take joy in the fact that you will be proved worthy for your assignment. You will be prepared for your next level.

Can you just take a moment and think about the fact that you are the answer to someone’s problem. All of the hard places that you have faced and may be currently facing have future impact. Your response to your challenge can prove you worthy of the promise. Come on! I can look back on my life and see that what I have been through has prepared me for today. Those places that hurt like crazy have been broken up for God’s glory. Can I suggest to you that God is aware of your struggles and challenges? Can I remind you that He is the Master Planner and He knew LONG BEFORE what you would go through because He knew where you were going?

“The king sent out the order to release him from prison; the ruler of Egypt liberated him from the chains.  Then he put Joseph in charge of the royal household, made him ruler of all the royal possessions, allowed him to imprison the royal officials whenever he saw fit and impart wisdom to the elders in the land.” (v. 20-22) The Lord’s plan works! He brought Joseph back to the promise…back to the favor. He will do the same for you! Do not give up in the test when God’s plan brings you squarely back to the promise. I know it has been hard and you have wanted to give up and cry but please don’t! Your part in the plan is important. Don’t cancel it before you’ve gotten to the end!


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