Thursday, May 10, 2018

Man up!

You heard the still small voice, didn’t you? You heard God speaking the uncomfortable thing, right? You heard Him say “go” the first time but you didn’t want to. You heard Him say, “move” right after you asked for confirmation but you weren’t ready. You heard Him say, “be quiet” at that moment but you had to get the last word. You have gone back to Him countless times asking for confirmation and asking Him to show you a sign but deep in your spirit, you know what He said. Forget that…it wasn’t that deep…it was immediate. Let’s start telling the truth. Today, God wants you to stop acting like you don’t know what to do. Stop making decisions so that others will be comfortable with the outcome. Stop sticking around so that Mama will be alright or church folk don’t have to do any work. Stop living a lie when you have heard God speak the truth. Listen, when I got up off the floor, this wasn’t what I was expecting to sit down and type. Y’all know I want sunshine and rainbows but today is not that day.

I kept hearing the Lord say, “I have the final say” all morning so I immediately thought one thing but He was on a whole other wavelength. I wanted to be real churchy and tell you that it doesn’t matter what people say because He has the final say. However, He told me to tell you that He has already given the answer and it’s FINAL. Stop trying to change it to fit what you are comfortable with. Stop trying to make your list of friends fit the mold of His plan when He’s told you to separate. According to, the word final means pertaining to or coming at the end; last in place, order, or time; ultimate; conclusive or decisive; constituting the end or purpose; that which forms an end or termination. The Lord might shift His methods but He hasn’t changed His plan. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. So it’s a curious thing that you think it’s best to adjust what He says to fit your purpose. Perhaps you should go back over that definition again. Many of you are going through the same tests because you refuse to accept His word as final. You won’t move when He says move and you wonder why you aren’t growing. You won’t shut your mouth when He says be quiet and you wonder why you can’t progress.  You won’t examine your circle of friends and you wonder why you keep dealing the same demons. You cannot get to the end of the plan if you will not obey.

The Lord has been reminding me of some of the challenging instructions that I have had to obey in the last 10 years of my life. I’ve lost friends, position, and comfort but I’ve gained revelation, peace, and progress. Was it easy? NO! Was it worth it? YES! If I could do it and survive, so can you. However, will you do me a favor and stop ignoring the voice of God so you don’t have to be uncomfortable? Oh and will you stop manipulating situations so that it will work with the future that you’ve envisioned for yourself? Sometimes you are going to have to travel through some dark valleys so that you can get to the high place. Sometimes you will have to leave some folks at the station so that you can get to the people that you are called to.  So…He has the final say, so can you just go with it?  Proverbs 16:1 says, “We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.” (NLT) Final say…


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