Thursday, March 8, 2018

The name of Jesus!

I had one thought this morning when I sat down to write Rhema and it was simple yet so profound and important. It was Jesus. His name resonated in my spirit all morning and I couldn’t get away from it. Why would I? But I began to think about how much the church has seemed to become desensitized to His name. Sometimes you can call His name and a few will get excited but many will barely react. It’s almost like He has just become a part of what you do at church. You know, sing about Him and read a few verses and acknowledge that He saved you but it all feels a bit disconnected. I want to just remind you today that He is the center of it all. If you walked in church on Sunday and somebody called the name of Jesus and that was it, you will have had CHURCH! Let me tell you why and I will be done.

He is the embodiment of God’s love for you and the reason you have life.
He is your savior and your keeper.
He is your healer.
He is the Almighty One. “The one who is and who was and who is to come!” (Rev.1:8)
He is your Deliverer.
He is the Good Shepherd that laid down His life for His sheep. (John 10:11)
His name is above every name!
At His name, demons tremble and flee.
At His name, every knee must bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.
He is the Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of God.
He is the Messiah and the Resurrected One
He is the One who sets free and Our Redeemer.
He is Life, Light, and Truth.

Too biblical? Ok…He is the one that healed your body when the doctor had no clue. He is the one that brought your marriage back together when you were ready to throw in the towel. He is the one that saw the best in you when people had counted you out. He is the one that gave you that baby when man said it was impossible. He is, quite simply but yet so powerfully, our hope.

You see, just His name should make you shout. Just His name should remind you of where He brought you from. That’s it…all it should take! No person – mama, daddy, grandma, husband, wife, pastor - has done what Jesus has done for you. No team or artist should get more of your excitement than the One who allowed you to be here. So the next time you hear, think or see the name Jesus, give Him praise and thanks. He deserves it!


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