Thursday, March 22, 2018

He's still working!

I heard a sermon a few years ago that I go back to often. It was called, “Truth, Lord!” Essentially, it was about being transparent before God and to yourself. You know how easy it is to start believing your own hype. People tell you how awesome you are, how deep, how talented and sometimes it’s easier to believe that than the other part of you when you aren’t nice, have a bad attitude or just don’t want to be bothered. This morning the Lord reminded me that He is doing a continuous work in you and me! Isn’t that something? You’re a pastor but God is still working on you. You’re saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost but God is still working on you. You’re newly saved and have a fiery zeal for Christ but it doesn’t stop there, He is still working on you. Today, God wanted to assure you that where you are right now is part of the plan. God is working some things out in you so that you can go on to the next test, the next level, the next stage of your life. And though sometimes it feels like you are in a foreign land, you will make it to the finish line.

The first scripture God dropped in my spirit this morning was Romans 8:28. It’s truly a word of comfort whenever I am faced with something I don’t understand or am struggling with. The NKJV says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” God showed me that even when it’s unexplainable, He is working. Paul makes it plain in this verse that it’s not just a few of our tests that will work for our good but ALL of them. You see, God is not just working in you but He’s working on the things that affect you. I love that because it doesn’t say that you won’t go through anything. Clearly, something has to be going on for it to turn out for your good, right? Let me pause here though. Things working out for your good does not necessarily mean working out the way you think it should or that it will be sunshine and birds. Sometimes it means losing some things that aren’t adding any value to your life. Sometimes it means shifting your focus to a different place that you had no clue about. Sometimes it even means leaving a place where you are comfortable. The end result, however, will be good, i.e. God’s will for your life. So then you ask yourself is there a catch? No but there is one condition. You must be called according to His purpose. You must be in relationship with Him and willing to be used for His glory and purpose. The two previous verses tell us that the Holy Spirit knows us and our hearts and makes intercession for us. That means you can be confident in the work that God is doing because He understands how you are thinking, feeling and experiencing it. The Message translation makes it clear. “Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. (Rom. 8:26-28) He’s still working on you!

Have you ever been in a place of transition? God has spoken to you about a new position or a new ministry but you either aren’t feeling it or you are so shocked that He is calling you in that particular direction that you struggle with it. It’s probably happened to most of you and you may or may not have recognized it. God shared with me that these times of transition are His way of moving you along in His purpose. It made sense but it certainly didn’t make it easier. What I realized though is that it’s just easier to let God do the work than fight against it. It may be that you have to have another truth moment. ‘Lord, I don’t know what you see in me and all my mess that would cause you to take me to this place but okay, I’ll go.’ Paul taught the Philippian church this lesson when he was reaffirming who Christ was for them. He says, Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.  For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.  (Phil 2: 12b – 13, NLT) Do you see what He’s doing? He’s working on you so that you will want to do His will. He’s bringing you to willingness and power. He’s still working on you!

I love how God doesn’t ever leave you hanging. He wants you to know that what He is doing is for your good and it will serve a purpose. He gave me this last scripture and my spirit jumped! “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Phil. 1:6, NLT) Read that again if you missed it! Whatever God starts in you, He will continue until it is finished when Christ returns. God is not in the business of putting you in places or situations and leaving you there unresolved and confused. He is not about confusion and He is committed to His word. He promised to never leave nor forsake you. That means that no matter what you are facing, He is working. There is a lesson, there is a purpose, and there is a plan. He will continue to work on you until He gets the glory. It took some hard tests and some hurtful events for me to understand the work that God is doing in me. That is not to say that I am doing cartwheels at what He is doing but I am at peace. I can look at the road ahead and know that God is in control. I can know without a doubt that because He began this work in me, He will complete it. He’s still working on you!

I just want to encourage you to be open to the working. Let God do what He needs to do in you to get you to that next place. Some of you have businesses in you but He has to get your money right. Some of you have ministries in you but He has to get your attitude right. Some of you have books in you but He has to get your mind right. Just be open to the process because it’s never a waste of time. I pray that as God works on you, you will feel and know that He will love you through it. AMEN.

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