Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Follow Up...

Happy New Year! I had a tremendous response to my end of year post, “Last Call”. It seemed to speak to people’s desire to be free of the old things and relationships that had held them captive in 2017. Many people contacted me about how they were taking advantage of the last call and making changes. I cheered those folks and encouraged them to do just that. As I thought about that this week, the Lord told me to do a follow up because there were some people that just missed the concept.  In the course of our conversation, He highlighted two things for me centered around two verses in Proverbs 19 that I want to share with you.

So here’s the thing about a last call. It was meant to be an attention getter. It stirred up your emotions and adrenaline because you knew you only had a few minutes to get what you needed. Sometimes that meant decisions that were made based on feelings and not wisdom. However, your feelings did not change the outcome of the warning. The bar was still closing.  As you are examining what God is speaking to you about your next, don’t get caught in emotionalism and miss the warning.   Sometimes you can choose to overlook the freedom God is offering because of loyalty,  comfort or even manipulation. You make every excuse for why that place is good for you when you haven’t seen any growth in years. You find every positive about that person when you know they have hurt you numerous times.  You can list every great attribute about that job despite the longer list of evidence that it is time to go. Proverbs 19:20 says, “Take good counsel and accept correction— that’s the way to live wisely and well.” (Proverbs‬ ‭19:20‬ ‭MSG)‬‬ It is time to heed the warning!

The other point that God highlighted to me about a last call was the choice involved. When you hear the announcement made, you can either take advantage of the opportunity to go get something else or you can decide that you are content with what you have. Other people can encourage you to make one choice or the other but ultimately, you must decide. You have to look at what is being presented to you and make the decision that will bear the most fruit in you. As you begin this new year, you have a chance to start with the fresh perspective of freedom and new choices or you can stick with what you know and are comfortable with, even if it is not beneficial to you. But here’s the question. If God is calling out to you, why would you choose the opposite of what He wants for you? Proverbs 19:21 says, “We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but GOD ’s purpose prevails.” (Proverbs‬ ‭19:21‬ ‭MSG‬‬) It is time to make a choice!

This has not been about glorifying the club scene or drinking. It’s been about trying to get you to understand that time is winding down and it’s time to get it together. Why would you continue to miss out on your best life settling for the old highs of what used to be? Why would you waste one more year making excuses for why you aren’t progressing the way you want to? It is time to grab hold to all that God is presenting in 2018. It’s time to heed the warning and make the choices that will lead to your next!

May God bless and keep you in 2018!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you form the word! I thank God for the shift in my life because I'm the choices I am making. No more excuse! Brittany Jackson