Friday, January 26, 2018

It’s time to get close!

I keep hearing the refrain from Marvin Sapp’s song, Close. “I must be close to my destiny. Extremely close to my victory. ‘Cause here comes trials and troubles, jealousy and envy. I must be close to what He has for me.” When I kept hearing that lyric over and over again, I thought I was getting ready to share a prophetic word about holding on because your breakthrough is close but instead God said, “Remind them.” It was then that I realized God wanted me to pay attention to the word “close”. It’s not so much your proximity to your victory as it is your position as you wait for it.

The Lord took me back to the people of Judah in 2 Chronicles 20. Do you remember how afraid they were? These big nations were coming against them and it seemed a guarantee that they would lose. They were terrified! But the Lord sent a word that He was with them. He said, “But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!””(2 Chronicles‬ ‭20:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

 It’s actually pretty simple. The Lord wanted me to remind you to stop worrying about what the enemy is after and focus on what He has already given you. He has already assured victory, defeated death AND promised to stay with you until the end.  Why wouldn’t you stick with the One who knows the end from the beginning? Folks, it’s time out for giving Satan credit that he doesn’t deserve. He has taken quite enough already and the scripture tells us how to get our stuff back - Take your position and let God handle the rest! You see, if we are close aka obedient to the Lord even in what seems like a strange place, He will fight for you. If you look at that verse long enough, you might be confused by  God’s instruction. I mean, it’s a war so why wouldn’t the Lord do some amazing military feat or tell the people to fight hard? Those seem like responses that would be warranted in the situation. But instead, He told them to take their positions and be still. Why? Well…The Lord said to me, your posture signals the enemy but your position  saves your life. It’s time to get close.

You see, posture, as a noun, means the way in which a person sits or stands. As a verb, it means to behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead people. Position, on the other hand is a place where someone or someone has been placed or settled. Posture is all about being seen and draws attention but position, on the other hand, signals intentionality. Remember, the enemy walks to and fro seeking who he may devour. He will most certainly go after someone that is shining a light on themselves. When you take a position, you settle in. The Lord told the  people of Judah that they didn’t need to fight, they just needed to be get in position and trust God for the victory. It’s time to get close.

Your victory is at hand, the question is are you close enough to receive it? Have you gotten in position or are you waiting to be discovered? My prayer is that your answer is clear.


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