Thursday, January 18, 2018

Do the right thing!

Happy Thursday, Rhema readers! I hope you are all safe and warm. Today, I was geared up to do a scathing evaluation of church folk. I mean, I was ready! I have watched some people truly cut up this week and then proclaim Christ and I had something for them. I rehearsed it y’all! However, when I sat down to write, all I could think was, Thank God for the Holy Ghost! I know that sounds super churchy but it is the truth. I am grateful for the One who convicts and restrains. I am grateful for the One who reminds and teaches. But most of all, I am grateful for the One who envelops me with the presence of God. You see, the world loves it when Christians act like them. It allows them to say, “See, that God they talk about can’t be real if that’s how they act.” But the Holy Ghost will speak peace to your anger. He will bring calm to confusion and He will remind you of who God really is. You see, I really believe that God is tired of being used as an excuse for everyone’s behavior. He’s tired of people saying they represent Him but then doing the opposite of who He is. So today, the message is simple. Do the right thing!

I would really advise reading James 4 in its entirety but today God highlighted James 4:17 for me. The New Living Translation puts it like this, “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” The Message says, “In fact, if you know the right thing to do and don’t do it, that, for you, is evil.” So there it is. It is time to get it right. It is time to act as if you hear that voice telling you to be quiet when you really want to cuss someone out. It is time to allow someone else to be blessed without worrying about what you won’t get. It is time to show the love of Christ when you are looking the enemy in the face. It is time to do the right thing!

Think about this.  Susie cusses Betty out for being nasty to her friend. Nowadays, Susie feels like it is okay because Betty was in the wrong first. She brags that God had her to “cover” her friend. But is that right? No! Why not? Because Susie is not going to stand before God on judgement day and get to give the excuse of how Betty provoked her. Nope! Romans 14:12 says, “each of us will give an account of himself to God” (ESV) So Susie will have to answer for how she responded. So if instead of cussing Betty out, Susie heeds the guidance of the Holy Spirit and ignores Betty or better yet prays for Betty, the Kingdom wins. Aren’t you ready to see God get the glory and not the blame? Aren’t you ready to be the one that really represents Christ for those that do not know Him? Let’s do it, people! Every day, the Church is losing souls to the world because we refuse to act like the God we profess. It is time to show some wisdom, restraint and discipline. I want the Lord to be pleased with me. Will you join me in evaluating your spirit and making sure you are speaking, acting and thinking like Christ? Will you not just say you are a Christian but let your character and responses speak for you?  It is time to do the right thing!


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