Thursday, June 1, 2017


Happy June, Rhema readers! I got down on the floor today for some quiet time with the Lord and I asked Him what He wanted me to say to you. This is what He said and I’m literally going to type exactly what He tells me…no editing. Ready?

This is the 6 month and the 6th year of the blog. If you add those together, you get 12, the number that represents order (the state of things when law or authority is obeyed). It is now time to get it together. It is time out for excuses (something offered as justification for not acting), fear (an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger) and stagnation (a state in which growth or development stops). Your destiny requires you to line up with My word. Why do you think I called you to preach? Why do you think I called you to evangelize? Why do you think I called you to love on people? Why do you think I called you to be a trailblazer? Was it to sit on the gifts? Was it to sit on the calling? Was it to keep to yourself? No! It was to change nations! It was to change cities! It was to change your family. Today, everything must get in order and it starts with YOU! I need you to stop playing games with what I have told you to do. I want you to push forward into the vision without one ounce of doubt or fear. I did not give you the spirit of fear and I have not given you cause to doubt. So let’s get going!

I know that you have been trying to figure out how your vision lines up with the reality of your family. Not an issue! When you obey, I will fix the issues of your family. I will cause people to come back to you that have caused you harm. I will heal your heart from the affect that it caused and make you more effective within your family. I will handle the harden hearts and bring forth the unchurched and the unsaved. Do you trust Me with your family? It’s time for order.

I know that you have been trying to figure out how your vision lines up with the reality of your finances. Not an issue! When you obey, I will provide for you. I will cause your enemies to ask how they can bless you. I will cause people to call and email you with reports of how they have been following your progress and want to know how they can help. I have cattle on a thousand hills and what I provide doesn’t have conditions except your obedience. Didn’t I say that I would provide all that you need, according to MY riches? Why do you question what I have said? It’s time for order.

There are so many facets to the visions and plans that I have given you. It’s not just the one dimension that I have showed you but you need to move in the first dimension so that you can see the next level. Don’t you want to see that bank you’ve been dreaming about come to pass? Don’t you want to see that daycare manifest? Don’t you want to see how far that ministry can go? I have the capacity, the ability and the heart to give it to you. The question is, do you have the faith to go after it? It’s time for order.

I’ve waited long enough for you to get your mind wrapped around what I’ve told you to do. It’s not really that hard. Do you know why it feels hard to you? Because you have been attempting to make things work with your own strength, wit and abilities. However, my creativity is unmatched and my resources are unending. Stop looking to man for your confirmation and affirmation, and try ME. I can do it. It’s time for order.”

The Lord then led me to Psalm 37: 23-24 as a closing. The VOICE translation says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Order is directly tied to God. If you are in line with Him, He is in the midst of everything you do. Even when you mess up, He won’t let you fall because He is right there with you. It’s time for order.


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