Thursday, May 25, 2017

Know your role!

I’ve been watching a lot of people lately stepping out of character. It’s baffled me and caused me to ask the Lord some tough questions about people and who they are. I’ve gone back and forth with Him about it, trying to get some clarity. I’ve seen husbands disrespecting their wives, pastors condemning their parishioners, and friends hurting other friends. I couldn’t understand it until this morning when the Lord said something really simple but jaw dropping to me. He said, they don’t know their role. What, God? He said people often get off track and abuse their positions when they don’t know how they are supposed to function in the role that I have called them to. Well then…

The Lord then sent me to the final chapter of Ecclesiastes and made it really clear for me. Ecclesiastes is one of the wisdom books and is filled with powerful statements about how to live your best life. Chapter 12 starts with the writer, aka King Solomon, encouraging the people of Israel to remember their Creator and ends with wise words on the attainment of knowledge. The Lord highlighted the last 2 verses for me so that I could help you like He helped me. They read in the Message translation like this,

 “The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what He tells you. And that’s it. Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it’s good or evil.” (Ecc. 12:13-14 MSG)

Hmmmmmm…ok! So what does that mean, Ebony?  It’s simple. You have one 2-part responsibility in this life. Fear God and do what He tells you AND THAT’S IT! Did you get that? If you do what He tells you to do, then you don’t have time to worry about what anyone else is doing. If you do what He tells you to do, then you will automatically be functioning in your calling. God isn’t going to tell you to do what someone else is supposed to be doing. He isn’t going to tell you to hinder anyone else’s progress. He certainly isn’t going to tell you to bring someone down. Do you see what I’m saying? God is very intentional and strategic. He doesn’t breed confusion and He doesn’t work in sin. He gives assignments and roles out according to how He sees you living out the purpose that He has put before you. Fear God and do what He tells you to do and that’s it. Don’t mess yourself up by adding to what God did not say.

Secondly, Solomon lets us in on a little secret. God is watching what you do and will judge it according to what your motivation and intent is. You should be careful to only do what the Lord says and with the right intentions in your heart. Husbands, if you are not covering your wife in public, you might want to check your heart. Church leadership, if you aren’t encouraging your congregants, you might want to check your heart. Friends, if you are using your position in someone’s life for something other than blessing them, you might want to check your heart. When your name is called at judgement, you want it to be with joy and excitement on your obedience not evil intentions. Check your heart! He’s watching.

I had no intention to write any of this! As a matter of fact, I was praying for a happy right now word of encouragement. But today, God is speaking to our hearts. He created us to worship Him and He gave us the assignment to reverence Him and do what He says. Don’t lose yourself because you have created your own job description. The Bible is the best professional development manual that there is. If you need help understanding what you need to be doing, you will find it in the Word. I’m ready for the Body of Christ to start looking like our leader. Know your role and stick with that.


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