Thursday, May 11, 2017

Step out of the way!

Okay, can I be honest with you today? Wait, a better word would be transparent. This morning the Lord told me to write what was on my heart and He would respond. I’ve done that before but today I felt like that meant exposing some things about myself that I didn’t particularly want to share. But God said to do it and so I will. Welcome to the heart of Ebony on this Thursday morning…

I don’t know about any of you, but sometimes I give myself fits! I doubt what I hear, I struggle with my call, and I try to make other people be who I wish they were, even when God has showed me something different. Sometimes, I look at myself and wonder how in the world He chose me to do the things that He keeps putting before me. I’m just not that good! If I had my way, I would be at my house watching Murder, She Wrote marathons and eating warm brownies with caramel sauce. But somehow, He keeps telling me to go out and spread the word. He keeps saying love on that person and encourage those people even when I really need that encouragement for myself. He keeps saying write those blogs and books and have that retreat and I fight Him on every step, trying to figure out why. What in the world was the Lord thinking when He picked me? But then I remember what He said when He called me. He told me that I was always obedient, even when I went kicking and screaming. Even if I didn’t know how it was going to get done or work out, I would say yes.

I got excited this morning thinking about that! Maybe I’m in better shape than I thought when I first started sharing this. But then the Lord said to me, “Now step out of the way!” What? Step out of whose way, Lord? He responded with, ”Yours and mine!” Whew! Y’all, I immediately took offense to that one. I mean, He went for the jugular, didn’t He?  I’m not in His way, right? I’m obedient. I do what He says even though it has been uncomfortable and painful at times. How is that being in the way? But then the Lord reminded me of the times that I talk down my gift, how I sometimes will compare my journey to others, that I get frustrated with promoting the things He has told me to do. And I began to see what He meant. I’m slowing myself down by fighting back against the assignment and the purpose that He has given me. I’m hindering someone else by not going full steam ahead with what He has put before me. I’m in the way!

What about you? Are you standing in your own way…in the Lord’s way? Have you let your desire to be in control or your fear of what’s next keep you from going to the next level? Today, the Lord reminded me that He has amazing things in store for you and for me but we have to take several steps out of His way. We have to be willing to get on the ride called destiny. We have to be willing to take our hands off the rail and move our foot away from the brake. If the Lord is trying to separate you from some places or some people, do it. There’s something new waiting on the other side of your obedience. If the Lord is trying to take you to a new level, go! There’s a new anointing waiting on the other side of your trust. If the Lord is trying to mature you in an area where you have previously lacked, agree! There’s fresh revelation waiting on the other side of your faith. Step out of the way!

As I was getting ready to write my customary “Amen” to end this entry, the Lord told me to end with His words to Peter when he tried to get in the way of God’s plan in Matthew 16. Jesus directly reminded us in this verse that the enemy is at work when we try and get in the way of what God is doing in our lives. So let’s not have to be on the receiving end of the Lord’s rebuke. Instead let’s let Him be in charge and get out of His way. But Jesus didn’t swerve. “Peter, get out of my way. Satan, get lost. You have no idea how God works. (vs. 23 MSG)  So in the words of Martin, “Get to steppin!”


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