Thursday, May 18, 2017

Catch hold!

Every now and then the Lord will drop a quick word for Rhema. Something quick that gets straight to the point. Today, just happened to be one of those days. I was sitting here and He said to tell you to CATCH HOLD! Right now, He is looking for total obedience. You don’t have time to play around with fear, doubt or PEOPLE! He said that where He is taking you, you must simply obey. If He says, call Ms. So and So. Call her! If He says, give Bro. Jim $20, do it. If He tells you to leave that dead relationship, get to moving! There is purpose to every instruction and a right timing to every assignment. You just need to catch hold of what the Lord is saying and MOVE.

Well, God, that sounds good and just like you but that’s hard. I mean they may not be seeing what you’re seeing so I need a little bit more. He immediately sent me to Isaiah 41:13, and it blessed me. It says, “For I hold you by your right hand- I the Lord your God. And I say to you, “Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” Ummmmmm? Did you get that? You aren’t in this thing by yourself. That ministry, that new career, that marriage, that book, that forgiveness, whatever your “IT” is, God is with you! He is holding your right hand…your strong hand…and He is promising His help! Mam, sir! Stop playing with your gifts. Stop holding back your love. Stop running away from your assignments. It’s time to catch hold of what God is saying. He doesn’t waste His words. They all have a purpose that they must accomplish. Do you want to miss out on your purpose because you didn’t listen? Catch hold!

So just as I was getting ready to end this, the Lord sent me back two verses and told me to share with you. Sometimes, you can miss what you’re supposed to be doing because of your past or what other people have said or done to you. Well God wanted you to be clear that you don’t have to worry about those things. You just need to hear, receive and move! The words that He spoke to the children of Israel in their time of need, He told me to share with you.

Look, everyone who hated you and sought to do you wrong
        will be embarrassed and confused.
    Whoever challenged you with hot-headed bluster
        will become as if they never were, and nevermore will be.
     You may go looking for them, but you won’t find them;
        because those who tried to fight with you will become as if they never were.
     After all, it is I, the Eternal One your God,
        who has hold of your right hand,
    Who whispers in your ear, “Don’t be afraid. I will help you.”
(Is. 41: 11-13, VOICE)


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