Thursday, November 17, 2016

Uh oh! He answered...

This morning I was thinking about a sermon I saw yesterday by Bishop Noel Jones entitled “What to do until He answers...” It was a great word and I definitely have some things before the Lord that I am waiting on. But God said something interesting and relevant to me. He said, “My people struggle more when I answer.” Stopped me in my tracks! What, Lord? He began to talk to me about the need for confirmation after confirmation, the questions, the fear, the discomfort. Then I heard “Why isn’t My word enough?” JESUS! Waiting on Him is one thing but DOING what He says is something else entirely. You see, regardless of how hard it is to wait, you have been conditioned to do it. There are probably thousands of books about how to wait successfully for God to move, speak or do. Though you may get impatient or struggle while you wait, in most cases you have no other option. If you could solve your problem or change your situation on your own, it would be done. But what will you do when He answers? What will you do when He responds to your prayers and it doesn’t line up with your personal plan? What will be your response?

I found myself in Isaiah 30 this morning and the Lord is speaking to the rebellious people of Judah. He is warning them about being in relationship with Egypt and following them instead of Him.  He uses the first half of the chapter to tell them about what happens when you don’t listen. It’s a warning to you and me as well. Read it for yourself! It will probably read like a biography of your life like it did mine. You know the story – girl does her own thing, follows man/the world, everything falls apart, realizes that the Lord has been waiting on her to see that He is the only way, runs to the Lord, He cleans her up, shows her where she went wrong, calls on her to trust Him, blesses her obedience. Have you lived a version of that story? If not, here’s the point. God is always on the scene and He’s waiting for the right time to shift you to the next gear. Remember, the plan was already established. So while things may come as a surprise to you, they aren’t a surprise to God. That’s why when He tells you to do something, you have to do it. Don’t delay the plan because you don’t understand what’s happening. Don’t miss the easy turn because you couldn’t see around the corner. Is it scary? YES! Will it be worth it? YES and YES!

If you are like me, you’ve asked God about His timing. Perhaps you’ve wondered why He told you to go back to school when you have finally gotten your schedule under control. Maybe you’ve tried to figure out why He told you to give someone you can’t stand money when your bank account is crying. It could be that you’ve questioned why He told you to move halfway across the country when your entire family is somewhere else. These are challenging instructions that people in your life may not understand but you know that God is speaking. These are the moments that God talked to me about this morning. It’s those moments when He is giving you glimpses into your destiny and waiting to see if you will trust Him enough to follow through.  You see, sometimes waiting is easier because it doesn’t necessarily require you to do anything. But when God gives you a command, there is an expectation that you move. Scary, right? I know! But can I tell you that your next level is tied into your obedience? Think back over your life and what has happened when you looked beyond fear and grabbed hold to your faith. Was it scary? YES! Was it worth it? YES and YES!

I hear you, Ebony but what if I’m scared of what comes next after I say yes. Look at what the Lord says to His people after He has reminded them of who He is.   Oh, people of Zion, citizens of Jerusalem, you will not cry anymore. God hears the sound of your weeping, and He will answer with grace. Even though the Lord has fed you the bitter food of adversity and offered you the water of oppression, your great Teacher will reveal Himself to you; your eyes will see Him. Your ears will hear sweet words behind you: “Go this way. There is your path; this is how you should go” whenever you must decide whether to turn to the right or the left. Then you’ll get rid of all your worthless idols clad in silver and your despicable images plated with gold. You will destroy these idols and discard them as you do filthy rags, saying, “Get out of here.” And then God will see to it that your efforts are fruitful—He’ll give you rain for your seedlings, bread from the earth, grain nourishing and plentiful. On that day your livestock will graze on acre after acre of green pastures.” (Is. 30: 19- 26)

Often times the struggle is hardest right before the answer comes so that you are more open to hear when He begins to speak. But I can tell you this, when you decide that your yes is worth more than your fear, you will see fruit. You will be able to see that God was always present and working.  Don’t miss what God is saying because you think it’s always a big thing. Sometimes it is as simple as making a phone call, dropping off lunch, or saying a quick prayer. The size of the instruction isn’t equivalent to the blessing that can come from your obedience. So…what will you do when God answers? You obey…



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