Thursday, November 10, 2016

God's got it...

Happy Thursday, family! I don’t have much but I wanted to share what God said to me today. I heard Him so clearly and it blessed me and hopefully, it will do the same for you.  It’s simple but worth noting. He said to me, “I am in control. Will you trust Me to keep you? Will you trust Me to lead you? Will you trust Me to get you where you need to go? What I told you about who you were purposed and destined to be doesn’t change according to what the world does. I am the One who holds the heart of kings in My hands and direct them the way I please. I am the One who sees the end from the beginning. I can handle whatever happens because nothing is a surprise to Me.”

As I reflected on what God said to me, I began to think about how big God is. In a few sentences, He addressed the election and my household. He reconciled my past and my future, my purpose and His plan.  He effectively shifted my focus from self to Him. What about you? You see, what He said was basically a reminder of who He is and what He has already told you about who He is and who you are in Him.  When you are looking at your life and don’t know what’s next, God is a planner. When you are looking at your finances and don’t know how to pay your bills, God is a provider. When you are looking at your body and don’t know how to stop the pain you feel, God is a healer. He is everything that you need and more than enough. He is faithful and consistent. He is present and available. He is mindful of you and concerned about what concerns you. Don’t allow what you see in the natural to take you from what God has told you. Don’t change lanes if God didn’t give you a new map. Stay with God, He is in control.

As I was writing, God sent me to one of my favorite passages of scripture. I believe it is His way of telling you that no matter what your life may look like today, His word is still true and so is His plan. He is in control and if He said it, that settles it.

My intentions are not always yours,
        and I do not go about things as you do.
     My thoughts and My ways are above and beyond you,
        just as heaven is far from your reach here on earth.
     For as rain and snow can’t go back once they’ve fallen,
        but soak into the ground and nourish the plants that grow,
        providing seed to the farmer and bread for the hungry, so it is when I declare something.
        My word will go out and not return to Me empty, but it will do what I wanted;
        it will accomplish what I determined.  For you will go out in joy, and be led home in peace.
        And as you go, the land itself will break out in cheers;
    The mountains and the hills will erupt in song,
        and the trees of the field will clap their hands.  Prickly thorns and nasty briers will give way
        to luxurious shade trees, sweet and good.
    And they’ll remind you of the Eternal One
        and how God can be trusted absolutely and forever.
(Is. 55: 8 – 13 VOICE)

That passage speaks of greater and higher. It speaks of breakthrough and triumph, promises kept and hard places turning to joy. But mostly it serves as a reminder that God’s got it and He has you!


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