Thursday, June 2, 2016

If you want to be kept...

Let me apologize in advance for all of the back and forth that you are about to read but this is literally how it happened. This morning I woke up giving God praise for being a keeper! I can’t even write all of the ways that God has kept me and my family. He is truly amazing! As I was talking to Him about being a keeper, He gave me what I thought was the oddest response. I heard Him respond “if you want to be kept.” I felt my face starting to look crazy and He said, “I will keep you, if you want to be kept.” I was convinced at this point that I was hearing a voice other than God. So I said, “God your love is unconditional! So how can you add that condition to being a keeper?” I was going crazy, y’all! But God’s response shut it down. Ready? He said, “There are benefits to meeting the conditions.” Whew!!! He broke it down to me and immediately started giving me examples. So let me give you what He gave me…

So many of you want God to be on automatic. When you’re sad, you expect Him to give you joy, even though you lock yourself away in your house and mope. When you’re broke, you expect Him to give you provision, even though you refuse to give back to Him or others. When you’re broken, you expect Him to fix you, even though you don’t want to use any of the tools that He’s already given you. Do you see what I’m saying? When I was thanking God for being a keeper today, I realized that I had to actively seek out His presence and His word to keep me. What about you? Are you meeting the conditions?

You see, the Bible is full of the promises of God but if you notice, there is often a condition that goes along with it. Do you want peace in your mind? The word says if you keep your mind stayed on Him, He will keep you in perfect peace. (Is. 26:3) Do you want to prosper? The word says, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land! (Is.1:19) Do you want to have breakthrough in your life? The word says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, move and it will move. (Matt. 17:20) Do you want to have what you have been praying for? The word says if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Matt. 21:22) Do you want to move forward from your past? The word says, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)

God wants you to live a SOZO life! That means saved, delivered, and set free…WHOLE! So stop living a half life! Stop saying one thing and doing another. Stop missing the blessing because you don’t want to do the requirements. Stop waiting for God to do everything when you aren’t doing your part! Do you remember when you got saved? There was even a condition to that! IF you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Rom 10:9) It’s not always comfortable or easy but God says that if you meet the conditions, you will reap the benefits! I know that I want ALL that God has for me. How about you?


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