Thursday, June 16, 2016

It's your turn!

Today I celebrate 5 years of writing Rhema! What an amazing God I serve! He is faithful and consistent! I don’t have words enough to say how grateful I am to Him for not only trusting me with the assignment of sharing encouragement with His people but HIS WORD! I’m so unworthy of it. I’ve had days where I wanted to give up. Days that people said the word was just for them. Days where I didn’t want to write anything. Days that He met people right where they were through what I wrote. Days that I thought it was pointless because no one was reading them. But every week, God gave me a word for me. Every week, He showed up. Every week, He forgave me for my attitude and my flesh. What a mighty God I serve! As I think about the last 5 years, the only thing I keep hearing God say is… it’s your turn.

I know some of you are looking at the screen crazy and wondering what in the world I am talking about! “How can it be my turn?”  Yeah, I hear you! But you know what? It is! It’s your turn to stop hiding the gifts that God has given you. It’s your turn to step out on faith and share what He’s told you. It’s your turn to own who you are. Every week, I’ve had to be transparent with you and tell you when I’m frustrated, sad, and struggling. But I still had to do it because that’s what God called me to do. I couldn’t stay in my quiet place which is what I wanted to do. You know why? Because you needed me. You needed me to say get up, you can make it, keep pressing. And guess what? Someone is waiting on YOU! Someone needs YOU to pray for them. Someone needs YOU to visit them and speak an encouraging word. Someone needs YOU to write that book. Someone needs to hear YOUR voice.  It’s your turn!

Today is about encouraging you to do what God has been telling you to do. It’s about releasing fear and stepping into power, love, and your sound mind. It’s about the greater works that Christ told you about in John 14:12. I’m serious…it’s time! You have such a gift to share with the world. And don’t get caught up in comparing gifts. If He called you to be the best hugger in the world, you need to start hugging! My whole spirit has been lifted by a powerful hug. If He called you to be a pastor, you need to get in position and do what He has told you to do. People are dying in this world because they haven’t had the shepherding that they needed. Come on! This is serious! Don’t talk yourself out of it! Don’t try to figure it all out in 2 seconds. You have an anointing. You received it from Him, and His anointing remains on you. You do not need any other teacher. But as His anointing instructs you in all the essentials (all the truth uncontaminated by darkness and lies), it teaches you this: “Remain connected to Him.”(1 John 2:27, VOICE) It’s your turn…

Rhema has been life changing for me. It has challenged and matured me. It has connected me to God in ways that I never imagined. He has spoken life to me through Rhema and He has pushed me towards purpose and destiny. He wants the same for you. People are waiting for you to move and obey. I know that it’s scary. I was terrified to put myself out there for people to judge what I had written. But I couldn’t let fear stop me from doing what He said. And that’s my ending word for you…Don’t let what might happen, keep you from doing what He has told you to do. It’s your turn…blessings and rewards come from obedience…


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