Thursday, January 31, 2013

Perfect Timing

Have you ever been trying to figure something out or do something but didn’t know how. But then you prayed about it and God answered right on time? The other night I was lying across my bed, halfway reading the Word because my mind was racing thinking about how to go about doing something God had been instructing me to do. In other words, I wasn’t focused…sorry, Lord! As I was lying there, I was suddenly urgently led to turn on my TV and look at Praise the Lord on TBN. Now, I haven’t watched the show in quite a long while so I really didn’t even have the mindset that it would even be on. But anyway, when I turned on the TV, lo and behold it was on and an interview was just starting with a man that had lived out the very thing that I was seeking direction about. Right after the interview went off, my sister in law sent me a text with a word that God had given her in prayer for me that essentially confirmed what I got out of the interview and answered my question. Why are you rambling on, Ebony? My point is this, God knows EXACTLY what you stand in need of and his timing is perfect. What we have to do is learn how to get out of the way!
There are so many things in this life that we want and want it quickly. It could be a baby or a spouse. It could be prosperity or a dream career. We can do all of the things that we think we need to do to get in position and it still doesn’t come. Sometimes the waiting can lead to impatience and frustration. Anybody been there? I know I have but God has been showing me lately that when I allow Him to do the planning and organizing, things happen. We sometimes forget that God is omnipresent and already knows our situation, our thoughts, and our desires. However, He also knows when we can handle the things that He wants to give us. Habakkuk grew quite impatient with God wanting the answers to His questions but in response, God gives us great insight into how His timing works. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Hab. 2:3 NKJV) Pretty clear right? Though God’s promised outcome for your life may not be coming at your pace or even how you pictured it, wait for it because it will come! 
One of my favorite chapters in the Bible next to Romans 8 is Galatians 6. While Romans 8 teaches us who we are in Christ, Galatians 6 is designed to keep us humble and gives us a way to self-examine ourselves so that we don’t think too highly of ourselves. Verse 9 in particular speaks to how we should conduct ourselves while we wait. “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Due season is God’s timing, his perfect timing. It is that time when everything lines up to God’s will and timing. You are ready to receive whatever blessing He has for you and He is ready to give it to you. It also tells us that while we are waiting for God to move, we must keep pressing, keep living holy, and keep doing good. Don’t give up on what God has promised you because the timing seems off to you. For when God does it, it will be better than anything you could do or imagine.
If you’ve read this blog for any length of time or know me personally, you know that I have a tendency to want to figure things out on my own.  (Refer to paragraph 1…lol!) But God continues to show me that if I just trust Him and let Him do what He’s going to do when He does it, everything will work out for my good. Have you ever had God tell you specifically that He will handle something but you insist on having that conversation or making that move that you haven’t been instructed to have and all of a sudden everything is messed up? That’s called getting in your own way. If God said “I’ve got this”, He is more than capable of handling it - your marriage, your career, your situation, etc. Let Him! Ecclesiastes 8:6 says “for there is a time and a way for everything, even when a person is in trouble.” (NLT) As hard as it can be for some of us, let God run the show. Toby Mac has a song that says “If You wanna steal my show, I'll sit back and watch You go. If You got somethin' to say, go on and take it away. Need You to steal my show, can't wait to watch You go. So take it away…” In other words – Do what you do, God! Take over my life and run it as you see fit…in Your will and in Your timing.
I said ALL of that to say, “God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” (Num. 23:19 NIV). He has a way and a timing that’s mighty sweet. Though we can’t predict when He might manifest one of His promises, you can rest assured that He will and it will be perfect.  But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Is. 40:31 NKJV)
Wait on Him, friends…He’s never late!


Thankful said...
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Stephanie Murriell said...

Sister Ebony, I really thank you for this word. I have been dealing with some issues and it seemed as if God was not hearing me. I thank you for reminding me that He already knows my needs. I just need to stand still and wait. I sincerely thank you. Trust me,it was one of those "just for me" messages. God bless you...