Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fresh Oil

Sometimes it’s easy to fall stagnant or stale in your relationships. We get caught up in the grind so to speak. We are rushing around doing this or that and we find ourselves falling short in spending time with those we love and cherish. It can happen when you are going through different stages of life…get married and maybe you don’t spend as much time with your girlfriends; have children and maybe you don’t spend as much time with your spouse. It happens. Unfortunately, it can also happen in our relationship with God. We get so busy with the work that we move away from the worship. I believe that we are in a season of refreshing. God wants us to flourish in our lives and most importantly in our relationship with Him. Last week, God reminded us to get back to our first love and today He is leading us towards a fresh start…a fresh anointing.

I heard something on a devotional CD the other day that was so profound. The man said that we enter in with God’s permission and not by our performance. It hit me so hard because I think where we often go wrong is in trying so hard to DO what we think is necessary to go forward when we just have to ask. As we begin this new year, let’s seek that fresh anointing. Let’s ask God to stir up our gifts and refresh our relationship with Him. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” (NKJV) All that we need can be found in the kingdom. It’s time for a fresh start.

This is our opportunity for change. We have turned the page on 2012 and we have entered a new season. Paula White said it’s the season of NOW. Let’s make the decision to renew our relationship with God today. One of the first things you hear after having a baby is make sure you don’t forget about your relationship with your husband. Your time is consumed with that new little person and it is so easy to push him aside because you’re tired and overcome with this new love. But your marriage is the core relationship that brought that baby into the world. How much more do we have to prioritize God in our lives? More than ever we have to make Him number one because He is the core being of how you got to where you are. We cannot afford to wait anymore. It’s time to act now!

Let’s be like David in Psalm 92. He proclaimed God to be the most high, professed His love and faithfulness and reaped the benefits. “But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil” (v. 10 NKJV) Horn is referring to his strength. How powerful to live in such a state of worship and love for God that He exalts your strength and anoints you with His fresh oil. That is our challenge…to look at our relationship with the Lord and seek His fresh anointing.

God, I ask that you pour out your fresh oil upon everyone reading this blog today. Give us a clean heart and a renewed mind that we might put you first. Help us to walk according to your Word and Your will and to acknowledge You in all of our ways. We want more of You, God! More love, more power, more peace! We desire to worship You in spirit and in truth and to come into a deeper level of communion with You! Thank You for loving us in spite of us. Forgive us for anything that would hinder us from going to the next level in You! Now, God, we receive this fresh anointing and promise to walk in it! In the precious name of Jesus…AMEN!

Be blessed…

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