Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back to love

Remember how you felt when you first got saved? That feeling when you really connected with God and His presence became real for you? Or maybe when you first felt the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you remember the fire, the love, the commitment, the excitement? So often it seems that we move farther and farther away from those first feelings as we get further away from the beginning. This morning, I heard God say we need to get back to our first love and back to the basics.

You know there’s nothing like that honeymoon love. It’s pure and uncomplicated. The pressures and struggles of life haven’t invaded yet and all you feel is the bliss of being with your spouse. It’s similar with us and God. When we first get saved or rededicated, we are on fire - reading the Word all the time without prompting, spontaneous praise and worship, freedom! And then the first test comes and you get a little shaky or time starts passing and other things start to filter into your life. Your priorities start to shift and all of a sudden you look up and wonder how you got where you are. You wonder why you are so tired, why going to church irritates you instead of excites you, and why you have to force yourself to pray or read the Word. We have an opportunity at the start of this new year to go back to the beginning and refresh and recharge.

This morning in prayer, God sent me straight to Revelation. I said “God, do I really have to hit Revelation in the FIRST message of the year?!”  But, of course, it was right in line with what He said about back to the basics. “I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars.  You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches.(Rev. 2: 2-5 NLT)  Oh my! That jumped right to the heart of things didn’t it? This is Jesus speaking and He’s telling us that He sees all the good stuff that we have done and the right living, etc. but where is our love and our fire that we had at the beginning? It clearly is disturbing to Him because he calls for repentance and gives a strong ultimatum! We have to go back, repent and recharge our love so that we can have a full experience in God.

You see the Word calls for us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). Let’s be honest. If you look closely at your life now and how you conduct yourself, are you loving God with your whole being? If so, that’s awesome! But most of us can point to things that need a recharge. I’ll tell you that as I start my 2013, I have asked God to renew my fire and zeal for Him! I don’t want to be so focused on the work that I miss Him. I want to experience God like never before in 2013. In order to do that, I have to go back to my first love. What do you need to recharge? God is tired of halfway! We were created to worship Him. Do you think He envisioned the kind of halfway worship that we’ve been giving as a church? I don’t think so! Words like splendor of holiness, tremble, joyful noise, spirit and truth, don’t sound like halfway to me! He wants your best!  Let’s go back!

I encourage you to refresh your relationship with God today! Go back to the basics of spending time with Him, reading His Word, and talking to Him. You will surely find that there’s no love like your first love! May God grant you peace, love, and immeasurable favor in this new year.

God bless! AMEN…

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